How feminism has failed.

A thread on sex, values, and culture.
In every society through history, there has been a link between achievement and sexual temperance.

In every case when a nation reaches its peak, culture, through sex, becomes more laissez-faire.

As a result, the country sees its downfall.
There is the adage of strong men creating good times and good times creating weak men.

This is because comforts could not be afforded by our ancestors.

Their sacrifice created our good times.

With this has come feminism and sexual liberation.
Following the Rights Movements has been a breaking of traditional values.

Second order feminists have swooped in to push sexual liberation,

Believing they know more than their ancestors.
Seeing the sexual freedom that they believe me men had, they weaponized it against them believing they could act equally.

However, sex was never equal. This freedom was actually a difference in responsibility.

Women have much more to lose in a sexual encounter.
Rather than equality rising, the rate of single motherhood began rising.

An act without equal consequences will never be equal.
To respond to this, bandaids such as abortion, the morning-after pill, and birth control began increasing.

As a result, so has liberalism and moral relativism.

We no longer believe a person’s actions can be “evil” because everything is relative.
Additionally, we haven’t hit a point where there has been enough.

There is always more “freedom” to be had.

The irony is in the lack of realization that these previous “freedoms” have only brought more despair.
Promiscuity has continued to rise and has reached its current point where we are sexualizing children for our own entertainment.

Rather than moral disgust, many are feeling “liberated”.
The chains of moral destruction have been disguised as freedom.
Our only solution is to maintain our traditional values.

As society continues to degrade, high-value men and women will be the “strong men” that overcome the weak times.
The strongest force of energy is found in sex, which is our form of creation.

Sublimate this energy into the creation of a stronger self.

This is the only path to true freedom.
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