The fastest way to become self-employed is by developing a skill that you can monetize while enjoying the skill.
expanding on this

leverage your 9-5 salary while you dive into a field you've always wanted to pursue

cover bills / have insurance through 9-5

stack knowledge / develop skill on the side before/after 9-5

market skill to niche, less is more

leverage everything, work smarter
self-employment isn't for everyone

those who sense it inside them that they wish to create & work for themself,
you'll know if that's the true path once you take a few risks while betting on yourself

1000 check from your own doing is 100x better than a 2000 check from employer
hourly jobs trade your time for output // trade time for $$$

if you can offer a service
take your hourly rate, throw it out window
use a flat rate for service until you find what is good

I talk to freelancers daily
I hear day rates from $500-$2000

value is variable
value time
one last thought

never outsource early, do the task to learn the motion

that way you can direct the motion correctly the day you begin to outsource

you will have a deeper understanding of the creative if you've done similar, prior

in your early 20s, learn before giving away
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