a Thought in the Wind...

Hairy, Red, Elder Brother, Woods.

Chiha/Chiye tanka - Big elder brother
Ste ye mah - Spirit hidden by woods
Kecleh-Kudleh - Hairy savage
Oh Mah - Boss of the woods
Sc'wen'ey'ti - Tall burnt hair
Neginla eh - Wood man
Yi'dyi'tay - Wild man
Did we miss his real name?

Esau - H6215
Hairy. Eldest son of Isaac/Rebecca, twin brother of Jacob; sold birthright for food when hungry, divine blessing went to Jacob.

Esau is Edom - Gen 25:30, Gen 36:1

Edom - H123

H123 > H122 > H119
H119... is root of Adam.
Bigfoot/Sasquatch Wiki:

Bigfoot and/or Sasquatch, creature alleged to inhabit N.America that lives in FORESTS.

People describing it as large, HAIRY, BIPEDAL creature, roughly 6-9 feet, COVERED N HAIR described as black, dark brown, or dark REDDISH.

Gen 25:25
...the first came out RED
all over like a HAIRY garment
...name Esau.

Gen 25:27
...Esau was a cunning hunter
Jacob was a plain man
dwelling in tents.

Gen 27:11
Jacob said...
Esau my brother is a HAIRY man
I am a smooth man

Utah petroglyph:
Moab is next to Esau/Edom
Jdg 11:18, Deut 2:8

1Chron 11:22, 2Sam 23:20
...he slew two lionlike men of Moab

1Chron 12:8
...the wilderness men of might... whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were swift as the roes upon the mountains

Malachi 1:3
And I hated Esau,
and laid his mountains
and his heritage
waste for the dragons (dogs)
of the wilderness.

Deut 23:7
Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite;
for he is thy brother:👈

Abhor H8581
be abominable, to make abominable
(abominable... snowman?đŸ€”)
Study notes...

Moab desert? Melted Eagle Sphinx? Buildings melted? Petroglyphs? Bryce Canyon? Temples? Arches? Egyptian city under Grand Canyon? Isis temple? Buttes the remains of a large wilderness? Hopi stories?

Many facts and rabbit holes that relate to this thread.
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