There's been comments about why the teacher removed these two books from the reading list, but let's be clear:
Based on the @TimesFreePress' reporting (which I trust), the teacher said the reading level was accessible to 7th graders but" the content in the books may be inappropriate for some of our students."
The teacher continued to say, "while a shock to us, the books may be relatable and important to other students in our county."

In terms of the reading level argument, Signal Mountain Middle/High Schools is one of the best performing schools in the Hamilton County.
Hands down, Signal Mountain students perform the best out of many of Hamilton County students.

They are also majority white in a district that is about 40% students of color.

My question: Who are these "other students" the teacher is referring to?
To be fair, I don't know what other books were included on @SMMHSEagles book club reading list and would love to know.

Also, as someone who covered @hamcoschools for several years, it's hard not to see the bigger part this story plays in the narrative around race in HCS schools.
Hamilton County has a whole has struggled with conversations about race and class and their intersection in schools for years.
. @hamcoschools has made some efforts to talk about these things and help teachers respond in more culturally-competent ways.

But even those efforts have been controversial.
Hamilton County Schools is a school system where students of color attend worse physical facilities, generally have less experienced teachers and are consistently outperformed by their wealthier, whiter peers.

And it's just one school district in state where this is true.
I don't know more about this controversy on Signal Mountain, but it's not the first of its kind in Hamilton County and it will be interesting to see how the community responds.
I am a reporter and my job is to stay fair and balanced — I also cover education though and my job is to hold individuals and systems accountable for doing right by all kids.

Not "other" kids.
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