Here’s a thread I’ve been wanting to make recently, something that’s been bothering me quite a bit that I think some of you should hear. Game collecting has been a hobby of mine for a while, I love the joys of hunting for a title to add on my shelf, and one series I collect most
for us Shin Megami Tensei... obviously. I’ve never been a person with a lot of money, just someone who slowly built up my collection for years after buying stuff at reasonable prices. And that brings us to today. Due to the announcement of Nocturne HD, and trailer for SMTV prices
Have skyrocketed for certain Megami Tensei games and I see so many new fans struggling to get into the fandom because they simply can’t afford the premium on some of these games. And I’m here to tell you it’s not worth it. Don’t give these opportunists your money. These games
ARE NOT worth this much. Megami Tensei is the series I’m the most passionate about and hurts to see new fans feeling inferior for not being able to collect these games. Know that just because you don’t own physical collections of these games doesn’t make you any less of a fan
than me or anyone else. Please don’t fork over $500 for Raidou Kuzunoha, that game is truly worth $30 MAX. SMTIV Apocalypse for $80? Absolutely absurd, that game is still plentiful at places like Walmart for way less. Even P3P isn’t worth more than $40! The way these opportunists
Are taking advantage of some of you new fans makes me feel sick. Don’t give them your money, at least until prices go back down. In the meantime buy digital. Emulate. Whatever you need. Raidou 1 is cheap on PS3, P3P can be played on Vita and PSTV. These games aren’t worth so much
For anyone who thinks I’m exaggerating look at this
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