A Masked Perspective

1) Common Sense
2) Science for masks
3) Science against
4) Viruses Aside
5) Show me the Funny
6) Conclusion
7) Addendums
Chapter 1 - Common Sense

@MarkChangizi has enough to share: https://twitter.com/markchangizi/status/1288570238372642816
Ch1 p2

I highly recommend relying on your own personal senses, feelings, responses, thoughts for wisdom on wearing masks. That you can tolerate discomfort is not the point. You can, but should you?

I find a mask immediately brings anxiety, both wearing and seeing them.
Ch2 p3

Because the science for masks is so weak, Mask enthusiasts have to rely on manipulation and fallacious arguments to explain why masks are necessary. Like this 👇🏼
How do you feel about masks?
Ch2 p5

This is what the ‘Science’ says: https://twitter.com/montaigne01/status/1301395008503906304
Chapter 3 - Science Against

This is a study from Vietnam where they found that cloth masks potentially make the wearer susceptible to other pathogens.

Mostly I’ve seen people wearing cloth masks 🤔

Ch3 p2

This isn’t science as such, it’s more a summary or digest 😬
The site has been accused of conspiracy theory propaganda, but most governments have been accused (and are guilty)of the same in 2020
Check the sources: https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/

I thought that everyone in Japan wears a mask and that’s why they’ve weathered Covid so well??

Here’s a good read from a few months back. The numbers have changed but I’m sure the sentiments from the decision makers hasn’t https://time.com/5842139/japan-beat-coronavirus-testing-lockdowns/
Chapter 4 - Viruses Aside

What else is there?
Ch4 p3

Why are people being arrested over masks? (Remember what you saw at the science stand👆🏼) https://twitter.com/alexberenson/status/1302272068558491648
Ch4 p4

And seriously? 19 month old babies? (remember the science stand) https://twitter.com/jamestodaromd/status/1303830552844398592
Ch4 p5

Don’t you think millions of years of evolution would have arranged a flap covering your face, if one was necessary?

I found this thread fascinating, about what you can see at the end of your nose.. https://twitter.com/markchangizi/status/1286355308701523974
Ch4 p6 https://twitter.com/wordsmithery_me/status/1290170818048057344
Chapter 5 - Show Me The Funny

In true human fashion, some gems have been busy thinking funny things, while I’ve been going back to get my mask..
Ch5 p2 https://twitter.com/ian56789/status/1287062582461968385
Ch5 p3 https://twitter.com/fatemperor/status/1286256478375026688
Chapter 6 - Conclusions

What about a mask mandate?
Ch6 p2

I’m inclined to agree with Ivor 👇🏼
I believe that healthy people wearing masks is a great big symbol of compliance, and so far, this hoop jumping is only producing more hoops.

Hoop 1:
- 3 weeks of lockdown. https://twitter.com/fatemperor/status/1302343629126742016
That’s all for now, perhaps there will be more down the track, to fill those addendums.
It would be super to have some beautiful charts to show how effective masks have been, please share if you have some.
Addendum 1:

I saw @Matthews_angst and remembered his excellent thread, on how he came to wear a mask. It’s a must read... https://twitter.com/matthews_angst/status/1283479388210843648
Addendum 2:

This is most convincing for me. @carlheneghan is a British general practitioner physician, director of the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine & voice of reason. https://twitter.com/PhilipWatson_/status/1299850554320072706
Addendum 3 - This would have been what I opened with. Never mind, it’s here now. Big Thanks to Ivor https://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1305400850458828800
Addendum 4:

A Thread (a historical one) https://twitter.com/robinmonotti/status/1309948476759867392
Addendum 5:

Masks for kids: ABSOLUTELY NOT https://twitter.com/EG03534048/status/1307701506855047170
Addendum 6:
The Biggest Joke, Ever.. https://twitter.com/Wordsmithery_me/status/1308796978382372866
Addendum 7:
A fresh and thorough thread by @daniellevitt22 https://t.co/UnQCcBcpIB 
Addendum 8:

The Official Science: https://twitter.com/boriquagato/status/1310595825865756673
Addendum 9:

A thread from @Rapatauxx might have some duplication but it’s worth it, because this one is juicy https://twitter.com/Rapataux/status/1308821921405054977
Addendum 10:

This is an interesting observation, that in Switzerland, some cantons mandated masks, but outcomes were NOT impacted when compared with no mask mandates https://twitter.com/HansMahncke/status/1311658755847843841
Addendum 11:

@Kevin_McKernan made a thread... it’s the deepest, most sensical, most intuitive and rational thing I’ve read, that comments on many things that ought to be commented on. Pay attention 👇🏼 https://twitter.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1320032362550464516
Addendum 12:

How many times have you heard the argument that medics wear masks and if it’s good enough for them, then blah blah blah.

Have a read, then wonder over to where @ColleenHuberNMD tweets and ask her for Fauci’s research on 1918 and the masked victims. https://twitter.com/ColleenHuberNMD/status/1322185946293432320
Addendum 12 continued 💥

Here is a study by the aforementioned Dr Colleen Huber on the dangers of mask wearing.

As I’ve said, all along, wearing a mask ‘for others’ is not a zero sum activity. You are doing yourself harm.

Addendum 13:

From Occupational Health Expert @KristenMeghan
a video explanation https://twitter.com/KristenMeghan/status/1328830658878304257
Addendum 14:
#DanMask study, much anticipated, came out today. Here is a thread by @jadenozzz with the need-to-know https://twitter.com/jadenozzz/status/1329072057829654533
Addendum 14B

PERSPECTIVE on #DanMask - not mine, the @boriquagato’s

But I Absolutely Agree, 100%.
What was all the fuss about? It was about the stuff we haven’t seen yet! https://twitter.com/boriquagato/status/1329073870540685313
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