Quick Gerry Brisco story after today’s news.

Him and Pat were unannounced guests at the first Starrcast. They were tucked away in the back corner of the basement on the last day, and were only there for a few hours, most attendees probably missed them
I had to do a double take as I walked by their table. They were just sitting there with no signage and no line.

I walked over, confused, and asked when they’re signing but they didn’t know and said they didn’t even have things to sign, so maybe they’d just take pictures
Being legends, WWE guys, and in their 70s, I knew an opportunity to get anything signed was very rare and I didn’t want to have them just sign a napkin

I walked around to autograph marks, highspots table, & photographers to see if anyone had Brisco merch I could buy, but no luck
As a last ditch effort, I thought of a plan and ran back upstairs to find @DexterLumis at his table

Most may not know that Sam/Dexter is an incredible artist. I told him about the predicament and payed a solid fee to promptly commission a caricature of @Fgbrisco to get signed
For hours I kept running up and down the stairs, conforming Pat and Gerry were still staying put while checking on Sam’s drawing progress, knowing that if this worked out I’d have an incredibly unique signed item to hold onto
At the final hour, Pat and Brisco said they had flights to catch and maybe had ten minutes left. I ran up to Sam who was literally putting the final touches on the picture as I approached.

Good guy Sam coming through clutch
I bolted back downstairs to catch Brisco and Pat just getting up to leave. I showed them the picture, had them sign it, and explained how great it was to meet them.

They sat back down, asked me to take a seat beside them, & stayed an extra 10 min with me, just talking wrestling
They were clearly on a tight schedule and had no reason to stay late, let alone ten minutes of uninterrupted talk about the business, where it came from, where it is, and their optimism for the future

The word legend gets thrown around too often but for these guys, it’s deserved
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