If this is the level of discourse I'm not sure debate is a viable option.
Still, I'll give it a try.
1/ https://twitter.com/CaptainBridget/status/1303825740895408128
2/ According to the tribunal report
Bridget Clinch's complaint was that Bethanie Rep 'Liked' certain posts on Facebook eg those shown below:
3/ It appears that Bridget Clinch's complaint led to Bethanie Rep being fined $10,000.

Is dissent with gender identity ideology illegal?

Is dissent now heresy?
4/ "Terf" has been officially recognised as a misogynistic slur - see this thread:

Are misogynistic slurs against female people to be tolerated, yet dissent with gender identity ideology punishable by law?
5/ Why should we be forced to subscribe to gender identity ideology?
Why can't we dispute it, even robustly, even rudely?
Gender identity activists are rude to us!
Why must only our language be sensitive and respectful?
Why is baiting and slurring us entirely acceptable?
6/ When women can be fined $10,000 for asserting the reality and political significance of sex for the 52% of the population that face sex-based discrimination/violence, this is misogyny enshrined in law.

This is an appalling injustice to female people everywhere.
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