The extents people in this country will go to just to commit acts of abject cruelty cannot be overstated
The thing is, this was just done by some rando(s), this isn't government groupthink cruelty, it's a product of a culture that actively lauds acts of cruelty if it spares the middle class from inconveniences as minor as having to acknowledge the existence of the unhoused
Let's check in with the comments, bet they're full of compassion
People can recognize how bad it is to have to see these "dirty encampments" but can't take even a second to think about what it must be like to live in one
"Citizens" here means "property owners," they genuinely don't see the houseless as people
If you pay taxes, you're "people." If you live on the street, you're "the homeless situation."
This is a very small sampling of over 1k comments. Some are more compassionate, some are just mad that the boulders are "ugly," and far too many are like this
A homeless person?? With a computer????? What would someone with nowhere to live need with a communication tool? They were definitely using it to buy crack on the Deep Web and not attempting to improve their situation or anything
tl;dr There's a prevailing culture in this country that treats the houseless as nuisance animals who merely need to be driven out of sight and therefore out of mind, and acts of cruelty against them are celebrated as progress toward that goal
I guess there's simply no solution to this issue
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