The most critical piece of advice I was given by a mentor when I was looking to 'break into' the #ttrpg industry was this:

Shoot Your Shot.

Be creative. Break rules. Your identity matters. Don't be a brand. Finish work. But no one is going to hand you anything unless you ask.
What does it mean to 'be creative'?

Crib endlessly. Reinvent what's there. Spend more time fine-tuning, and less time developing wholecloth. Playtest the ever-living stuff out of your #ttrpg games.
When I say 'break rules', I mean repurpose game rules. Spin them into something fresh and new. Don't worry about pissing off other game designers. Be the first up to bat.
Your identity matters.

Absolutely it fucking does. That is what defines you as an individual, and also is the make-up of your narrative, your rules and your design. Pour yourself into it. Flaunt it. Don't betray it. Don't be someone or something you're not.
Stop being a brand.

We live in a world where brands (hi Wendys) pretends to be people, and people pretend to be brands. It's sorta icky, and disingenuous. People will define your brand. But be yourself. Stop being false. Don't be regressive. You are a person 1st and foremost.
Finish work.

Every #ttrpg publisher evaluates this before they work with someone. If you have 5 projects in the hopper but cannot finish any of them, you aren't succeeding.

Finish one thing. Even if it's not that great. Stop chasing 2 rabbits; catch one.
No one will hand you anything.

I don't know how else to say this, but you must become your own advocate. Learn to 'sell' yourself. Get smart about how to talk about your work. Center your value in the conversation.
Finally, you need to negotiate. This is uncomfortable territory for a lot of people. It was for me in my early days entering the job market. But like all things, it becomes muscle memory. Practice it. #ttrpg pubs worth a salt will listen, consider and negotiate with you.

Be willing to fuck up. We are not perfect. But we must learn through our mistakes. I think everyone knows I've certainly stepped in my own poo.

Learning to recalibrate shows emotional intelligence, which is a rarity. Harness that.
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