Sam Sullivan is the new BC Liberal critic for Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

That would be the same Sam Sullivan who helped springboard current anti-homeless, pro institutionalization campaign by organizing a series of 'how much do those people bother you?' meetings.
Has anyone bothered to bring up the Project Civil City that Sullivan brought in while he was mayor? The one that was going to reduce homelessness by 50% by 2010 but actually the numbers went up? "Street disorder" rose 84% and "drug-related offences" by more than 100%
This is from a 2007 Globe and Mail article. The mayor being referred to here is Sam Sullivan.

Feels like deja vu?

'Worse than ever!'
Wait! Hold the phone! Stop the presses! There was pee in the street in 2007?!?!

Yes of course there was. This part is not new as much as Sullivan et al want us to believe it is.

Same law and order rhetoric. Again, the following year things were worse. This didn't work
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