Funny to see some BC Green supporters shocked @jjhorgan might break CASA and call snap elxn while Greens in leadership race.
Been saying this for yrs: The NDP was never the BCGreen's ally, despite all the talk of governance, policy and evidence-based cooperative decision-making.
The NDP put up with the Greens because it had to. Simply. And the NDP’s ultimate goal was always to defeat @SoniaFurstenau and @AdamPOlsen and win back those ridings and eliminate the Greens from the electoral map.
I know Greens don’t like to hear this. When @MikeSmythNews and I talked about in our podcast last year, @AdamPOlsen penned a lengthy blog saying it’s media spin, etc, etc. 
No. It was, and is, the reality the Greens now face.
It’s tough because Greens feel they formed good working relationships w/ NDP. And key people like Bob Dewar helped keep that relationship thriving - for as long as it worked for the NDP.
But those same NDP ppl were also quietly plotting to defeat the Greens. Such is politics.
Greens helped NDP stay in power for an extraordinarily long time for a minority gov. They dutifully voted for all major confidence bills, budgets and key legislation - sometimes to their detriment. As a reward, the NDP will throw everything it has at defeating the Green MLAs.
Ironically though, Greens helped the NDP in another way too: They forced NDP to temper its most traditional pro-labour policies by refusing to support some of them. This helped the NDP appear more modern and pragmatic than it would have, had the Greens not existed.
Unfortunately for the Greens, it was always going to wind up this way.
Wait till the elxn campaign and the NDP starts throwing attacks at the Greens. It’s like having a best friend turn on you, who knows all your secrets and weaknesses. It’s going to hurt. It will be nasty.
Luckily for Greens, @AdamPOlsen and @SoniaFurstenau won their ridings not b/c of the Greens, but b/c of their strong local presence. So the NDP is going to have trouble defeating them. But, if they win, they won’t return to #bcleg w/ the same fond feelings for the NDP, for sure.
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