NB It's all right there in the headline, if you don't care to read it: "Schrems II: there's no way to transfer data to US and comply with EU law" and the strap: "ECJ ruling has essentially invalidated business model of digital giants"
Why do I note these again? Well go ahead and say I am banging my own drum (I just do not care) but if I have learned one lonely goddamn thing in 25 years of covering these issues, esp as a woman, even when breaking stories or causing *An Actual EU Directive To Be Invalidated*...
... it's that few give you any credit but you can be goddamn sure lots of guys internationally who never cared about these issues will suddenly have an insta-Damascene conversion, make it Their New Issue, & write their analysis pieces and appear in the b'cast media as The Experts
(am I right, women of tech/infosec/privacy/data issues? Am I not right? Aren't you 🤬🤯 sick of the always-male insta-pundits on issues you have worked your bloody arse off to cover/research/teach/consult/write about?)
So I will say it again. I worked 13 years on stories/FOIs that built the critical @DRIalerts ECJ case that overturned the goddamn EU Data Retention Directive, disabling state surveillance of the entire EU population and creating the foundation for the Schrems cases.
(You should donate to @DRIalerts BTW if you care about such issues because without that case, the privacy landscape in the EU, the structure of GDPR, & subsequent ECJ cases, might be very different. The DRI case enshrined the importance of EU human rights in privacy/data rights)
And while later (male, sigh) case-takers might bang bang bang their drum to have their name associated with the entire privacy case genre, I am fecking *advocating my own work* from now on which *enabled* those cases. And gives me some right to be a Pundit on data privacy, thx
And @DRIalerts should have MEGA-international profile for the EU Data Retention case & all it's since underpinned. Anyway: I'm getting old(er), life is short & I am SO TIRED of seeing guys shove into this space & never once giving 🤬 credit to the gals who fight this fight
Women, OWN YOUR WORK. Put your name on it. Don't wait for anyone else to. That's it. (One plus of getting older: you don't have to care what others think. I don't. I am claiming my own work. Bye.) fin/
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