THREAD: In honour of the #ScholarStrike + #ScholarStrikeCanada we must talk about how sex work is studied and how sex workers in academia - specifically *Black sex workers* in academia - are treated by their institutions.
Academics have a long history of exploiting the experiences, histories, and pain of our communities for publications, dissertations and course content.

When non-sex workers are centered in scholarship on our industry it's a problem. #ScholarStrike #ScholarStrikeCanada
When non-sex worker academics descend into sex-working communities for their own voyeuristic purposes: "research", "exploration" or "study" (or to "save" us!) the product often reduces the voices + experiences of actual sex workers to stereotypes. #ScholarStrike
The #ScholarStrike + #ScholarStrikeCanada is a perfect opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Black sex workers both as academics and as community activists who have led movements that are widely studied in academic spaces!
The history of the SW rights movement is deeply connected to Black liberation b/c the fight for decriminalization, resisting police violence, addressing violence against SWers, and demanding rights in the workplace is a fight against anti-Black racism.
To move in solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement we must acknowledge & *address* the targeted violence that Black sex workers face as students, researchers, staff & faculty at institutions- being outed, ridiculed and ostracized. #ScholarStrike #ScholarStrikeCanada
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