Okay yeah cool while we're on THIS topic (yes I know I tweeted this yesterday it's imPORTANT) this same person went on to give tk credit for the Elite storyline and the tag division as a whole and I've yet to recover from the psychic damage https://twitter.com/fakesportfeel/status/1303675827234709508
Imagine. Imagine looking at the years long record of long form storytelling and character work and nuanced narratives crafted by the Bucks and Kenny, and then seeing the AEW tag div & thinking "I bet a billionaire playing action figures made this"
The Young Bucks persisted with tag team wrestling for YEARS when tag team wrestling was considered nothing, a joke, a midcard gimmick at best, a stepping stone on the way to singles stardom, a way for bookers to toss randos onto a card
As they built themselves from nothing they also rebuilt the concept of tag team wrestling, elevating the art form with their very presence everywhere they went. Other teams formed and broke up and the Bucks persisted, putting on match after match on a grueling schedule
When AEW began the Bucks staked their claim on the tag division and a year and a half later it's the strongest division with the most compelling storylines in the company. I don't think that's a coincidence.
BTE was a proof of concept for the Bucks ability to book compelling long-term narratives with a sense of continuity even in the chaotic and unpredictable business of professional wrestling & it's wierd that people seem to forget that with the similar structure of AEW tag stories
Without BTE I truly believe there would be no AEW. It's the vehicle by which they connected with their fans and exploded their popularity, crafted with a sense of pride and fun and delight that shines through the whole series. Even the serious bits are handled with such care
BTE formed a backbone and a structure for complicated and nuanced stories told across several different platforms and promotions, weaving together an impenetrable mix of kayfabe and real life and metacommentary into a digestible and coherent whole
I've heard the argument that one shouldn't have to watch youtube in order to understand a TV show and I suppose I understand that to a point, but having one comprehensive tv show was never the norm for the bucks. They are at their heart multiplatform storytellers
And BTE was not just a means for the Elite to put themselves over. I often smile when I think about the story they and SCU tell on Wrestlers on the Road, when they got SCU over in two weeks and were SO proud of themselves
The Bucks appreciate their friends and want them to succeed just as much as themselves. They play up their characters as egomaniacs but that's belied by how they've booked themselves in AEW. I mean, private party knocked them out 1st round of the 1st tag tournament!
Other people might be resentful of intimidated by younger competition who are just brimming with talent and potential. Other wrestlers might want to grind them down to make them "earn" any amount of success, but not the bucks
Their whole career they've sought to lift people up, inject fun an positivity into what can be a toxic and dark world. Fittingly, they are team players through and through, although that impulse has sadly often been taken advantage of in both real life and kayfabe
It's a lesson they've had to learn again and again that they have to advocate for themselves, that not everyone has the same attitudes about community and supporting each other that they do, that their generosity of spirit won't always be reciprocated
The Bucks referring to themselves as the best tag team in the world is actually a pretty loaded statement from them with a lot of baggage. Kenny had told them they were the best in the world just before dumping them for Kota & declaring GL as the best https://twitter.com/fakesportfeel/status/1280721316920819713?s=19
A good chunk of BC Civil war hinged on the sense of betrayal the Bucks felt from Kenny, whom they'd always backed up and supported in a way that wasn't always reciprocated. It was very interesting to me that Kenny gushed abt them over him & page a few weeks ago
It was a far cry from his behavior when the Golden Lovers reunited but the way he immediately laid an ultimatum on the bucks after dropping the belts seems to show that he hasn't learned much from his past mistakes with them
Hangman cut them down to the bone emotionally but it wasn't until a real, concrete betrayal on his part that they retaliated, and they were so shocked when it happened. Even after all these years in they can still be a little naive
And don't get me wrong, the naivety has also been part of their success. They have built great things by being open hearted and striving to exemplify the best of what they see in their art. Matt has said "there's not enough innocence in wrestling" & they try to put some back in
But there's a limit. There's a point where you have to draw the line, theres a difference between generosity and being a pushover, and the bucks have reached it. They're team players, but it's maybe time that the team comes down to two and they take what's theirs
It's interesting to me that FTR declared themselves to be the best in the world and locker room leaders and the bucks (particularly indytaker 😉) said nothing. They're past posturing and trying to prove things to others, it's time for them to focus
On the latest Talk n Shop with G&A it was revealed that the bucks named the podcast and never got the credit for it.

"Oh," Nick snarked. "You mean like our whole carreers?"
The Young Bucks have been hugely influential to the success of wrestling in general, and tag and indie wrestling in particular, and get no credit for it. They've helped boost their friends' careers into the stratosphere and their role in that is conveniently forgotton
Their accomplishments in their own careers are derided and minimized and even one of their greatest creative accomplishments in the tag division is attributed to someone else and it must be so exhausting and demoralizing for them.
Well, now they're going into business for themselves. They'll tear down everyone in their path and show the world exactly how it is they got to where they are, and I for one cannot wait. Fuck 'em up boys ❀
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