As a creator, you actually do have a right to privacy and you don't owe your audience details about your private life just because you decided to make something 🍵
And as an audience, you actually do not have the right to harangue creators for details about their private life if they choose not to disclose.
Seeing some real boneheaded "If you make x kind of work about x subject then you need to disclose--" No. You don't, actually. Just because Online has made it fashionable and profitable to do so, you do not.
If people don't like your secrecy then they are free to go elsewhere! If you are someone who needs that re-assurance when you read/look at something, that is absolutely your choice. But nobody has a RIGHT to anyone's personal details. People are people, not products to consume.
As a reader or person who is looking at art, you can say to yourself, "I feel weird about looking at this without certain contexts!" And you can absolutely disengage, detach, and instead choose to engage with art or artists with more volunteered context.
But at no point in this process does your discomfort with the lack of context translate into a RIGHT to obtaining that context against the consent of the person who wishes to keep their life private. The end.
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