Provide temp. rent cancellation + rent relief for neighbors worrying about impending evictions? Or use this moment as the springboard to seek bold structural change in our inadequate “social safety net” and propose stabilizing, longer-lasting economic security strategies?

Help families w/ limited resources scramble to secure tablets + Wi-Fi for distance learning? Or tackle vast inequities baked into an education system structured through racist policies + underfunded through cycles of austerity to benefit some students + leave others behind?

Support limited policing reforms offered by newly “awakened” majorities in hopes those reforms make some difference? Or demand a bolder re-imagining of what safety means, disrupt how racist tropes are used to define “threat,” + re-envision how safety + justice are assured?

Advocate for temp. tax cuts + governmental loans to aid small, low-wealth biz in surviving this time? Or address the way our tax structures compound generations of racist + extractive policies, continually tilting economic scales, stripping wealth from communities of color?

Resource + conduct safe, specialized outreach around census participation to compensate for failures, fear bolstered by xenophobia, an accelerated deadline, and the pandemic? Or resource longer-term organizing to build a more representative and responsive democracy?

These are all false choices. We must do both at once and in tandem. When you're in the middle of a great sea + discover rotting wood on the floorboards of your boat, you can't choose b/w bailing out the water or replacing the wood. You must do both and at the same time.

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