Tuning out of Twitter for the night. If you're here to dogpile, may I suggest you look into our actual position. Of course liberals aren't LITERALLY fascists. Of course most working class liberals hate fascism. But the ideologies reinforce each other. https://www.non-compete.com/history-375/ 
I've been saying this since before I started my channel so I don't know why so many people are acting shocked. Wrote these articles THREE YEARS AGO before my channel even existed, been singing the same tune ever since. https://www.non-compete.com/trevor-noah-liberal-fascist-bargain/
Learn about liberals like the Chicago Boys who propped up Pinochet.
Learn about the Ngo regime which virtually hybridized liberalism and fascism with support from liberal democrats in the USA and fascist-liberal bargainers in South Korea:
Study Red Saxony, study HISTORY. The same shit happens again and again and it's happening again RIGHT NOW.
And yeah, I'm linking to our own stuff here in this thread -- because we've already done the research and made all these arguments countless times before, now suddenly people are acting surprised and confused. It's bizarre. Marx wrote about this stuff in the 1840s.
Wake the fuck up and see liberalism for the violent, oppressive, brutal, and disingenuous threat to the working class that it is. A Biden victory may be preferable to a Trump victory but it's won't ultimately save us from the existential threat to marginalized folks and leftists.
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