
This Feb 7th recording by Woodward where @realDonaldTrump said he'd favored downplaying COVID-19 to not start a panic. On Feb 7th 2020 in the US we had TWO (2) confirmed cases & ZERO (0) deaths.

The 1st death reported on Feb. 29th in Kirkland, Wash
The first laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States was confirmed on January 20, 2020, from a Kirkland WA senior citizen home and reported to CDC on January 22, 2020.

@realDonaldTrump imposed the China travel ban Jan 29, 2020
On April 22, 2020 Santa Clara CA received confirmation that tissue samples sent to the CDC on April 20th tested positive for two people who died at home Feb. 6 & Feb. 17, with the first death in the nation from the virus reported on Feb. 29 in Kirkland, Washington.
So in Feb 7th 2020 when @realDonaldTrump spoke to Bob Woodward about downplaying the COVID-19 so to not cause a panic, there were two known confirmed cases from the same location in Kirkland WA, and no known deaths. NONE

So how much downplaying do you think there actually was?
Here's something else that was said in that call.

Trump tells Woodward that they think that COVID-19 was an Airborne transferable disease.

On Feb 7th 2020 is was really an unknown how COVID-19 was transferrable. Worst case scenario would be if it was Airborne.
"Spread of SARS-CoV-2 is believed to be primarily via respiratory droplets, the contribution of small respirable particles to close proximity transmission is currently uncertain. Airborne transmission from person-to-person over long distances is unlikely."

CDC Aug 4, 2020
So when Trump told Woodward on Feb 7th that COVID-19 was airborne transferable like the flu, that wasn't really confirmed & was the worst case scenario, which turns out not to be correct.

If COVID-19 was Airborne transferable these bullshit paper and cloth masks are worthless.
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