🔸 thread on what kinda family member are you? you can also tell who's the family member who reminds you of different categories 🔸

• please quote
• if you're doing it then ilysm :')
1) that one family member to whom everyone goes to and explain their fights and problems because they're intelligent and they sort out problems and usually really trustworthy and understanding.
2) that one family member who ABSOLUTELY loves debates and arguments and everyone is done with this person so they accept their defeat already because arguments continue for days.
3) that one family member who got nothing to do with anyone, who isn't close to half or any of the cousins, uncles or aunts and feel awkward in family functions. they're anti social and are more close to their friends than their family.
4) that one crackhead in family who embarrasses their entire family publicly by their behaviour and everyone is fed up of them. probably gets beaten up by everyone regularly.
5) the one family member who knows ALL THE GOSSIP, who did what, who's getting married etc EVERYTHING. they be interested more in lives of others than their own.
6) that one family member who doesn't know any gossip, is the last one to know about family events, trips and events. is probably too lazy to listen when entire family is discussing important stuff and is probably called lazy or ignorant.
7) that one family member who is loved and praised by all because of how efficient, sanskaari/sudhra hua baccha they are.
8) that one family member who is short tempered and if you make them angry, can even fight in public. they're extremely straightforward and honest about their opinions mostly.

but gussa volcano ki tarah aata hai 🔥
9) that one family member who is sunshine and apple of eyes at the same time, they're funny. everyone will keep on missing them if they're not present. their presence REALLY matters.

chances are, elders are more biased towards this person than others.
10) that one family member who criticizes a lot, they're popular for finding faults in anything and usually after ruining everyone's mood they'll themselves be happy and wouldn't care because they think it's not a big deal.
11) that one family member who is kinda creepy and talks about all weird stuff, ghost stories and you don't know if they're joking or being serious about it.
12) that one family member who gets emotional easily and they have tendency to cry publicly, they get happy and sad within seconds and everyone is usually attached to them because of how kind they are.
13) that one family member who keeps quiet usually and mostly observes others, you won't know much about them unless you actually ask them how they are. are usually extremely good listeners and advisers.
14) that one unofficial member of a family. they're a close friend of one of the family member but is treated like family only. everyone trusts the person so much and they're included in almost every family activity, trip, party, function, shaadi, sab.
15) that one family member who is extremely dramatic and filmy, narrates long stories and probably even exaggerates half of the stuff but mostly people love them cause they're intresting and got good stuff to tell.
16) that one family member who flirts a lot with everyone and is pretty much badnaam but their parents act as if they're the nicest kids around. you might even fail to recognise them in public just because of their reputation.
17) that one family member who does a lot of show off cause they're rich but also spends a lot on everyone, gets everyone expensive gifts and stuff. kinda materialistic but that's how they show their love
18) that one news freak family members, is intelligent person in family who probably knows it all. usually tries not to judge people by their knowledge and instead gives information to everyone, is encyclopaedia. is geniunely obsessed about knowledge and learning new things

weird thread lol (I'm realising that now AFTER making and posting it all 😂) TYSM GUYS FOR TAKING IT ♥️
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