It's naive to think that public hangings will stop the rapes from happening. If you really want to counter the problem, fight the root cause of problem which is misogynistic patriarchal behaviour of men.
In the current religious medicolegal system, it's almost impossible to convict the rape accused. This is a very good thread explaining this issue.
Rapists are just a part of a bigger problem. The real culprits are the ones who blame the victims, the ones who justify the harassment and the ones who supports the Draconian bills like Hadood Ordinance.
It's necessary to fight to crime, not the criminal. We hanged Imran from Kasur incident but did it stop rapes from happening? We need to fight the enablers of rape.
We need to stop making rape jokes. We need to stop giving privileges to boys at home. We need to stop internalised misogyny. We need to teach our boys to learn to respect women. We need to end 'boys being boys' culture.
People who are asking for public hangings are overwhelmed with emotions and rightly so, given the nature of incident but that's not the logical and long-term solution of rape problem.
And imagine thinking that hatemongers like Ali Muhammad Khan has any sympathies for women for Pakistan. They presented this resolution in national assembly just for the damage control.
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