Why Mike Posner’s “A Real Good Kid” album is so special to me. (Thread)
This album dropped in January 18th 2019. I didn’t know about the album until August of 2019. I wish I had heard it when it originally came out because in February of 2019 I tried to wreck my car into a tree because I was going through a rough time in my life.
2019 was a weird year for me. I spent the first half of the year not wanting to be alive. I had been working a job I had since high school and had worked my way up pretty high in the company, but I hated it and wanted out, but I didn’t go to college and I had no other desires.
My boss knew about my mental state and tried everything she could to get me to quit. She didn’t want someone who was in my state of mind to be working for the company. It was fucked up. So I decided to quit before she drove me to insanity.
Shortly after, around July of last year my girlfriend and two of my best friends decided to road trip to Colorado. I had never been as happy as I was when I was in Colorado. I felt like I belonged there. All my suicidal and negative thoughts were gone. I was so happy.
I proposed to my girlfriend and everything was perfect. We came back and after about a week of being home. Depression kicked back in and I was right back to where I started. I was mentally defeated. I started cycling to get my mind off things.
Then, I saw on the news that Mike Posner had been bit by a rattlesnake in the middle of his walk across the United States. After I heard about that, I went and watched interviews with him and started listening to his music. Most importantly,
I started listening to “A Real Good Kid” he touches on his depression over his father passing, his best friend passing, and losing his girlfriend, but it almost sounds as if he’s at peace. Something about listening to this album made me think everything is okay.
This is a verse on his song “Drip” the first time I heard this, I was blown away. I’m not sure what it was about this specific verse but I didn’t feel alone anymore.
Throughout the album, he has audio clips of him and his father having conversations. Also, as the album goes on you can hear him become more at peace with how everything is now. In the final song “How It’s Supposed To Be” he sings just that.
He touches on a lot of things he can’t control in his life. Which was a driving force in why I was so depressed. I didn’t have control of a lot of things in my life and I wasn’t okay with that. After this album, I had the mentality of “Maybe that is how it’s supposed to be”
After my first listen of this album, I started cycling more, I got a new job that I really enjoyed, I started working out more. I felt energized and I could cope with things not being in my control anymore. Not only this album, but Mike Posner himself actually saved my life.
This man walked across America. He’s now climbing mountains and enjoying life for what it is. Seeing that inspired me and put a different perspective in my head. I don’t know if he will ever see this, but if he does. Thank you Mike. You and your album probably saved my life.
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