THREAD: For the first time in years, the Government of #Syria has turned to the #EU 🇪🇺 for wheat. The Black Sea region and #Russia have been the Government of Syria’s first port of call for almost all of #wheat imports since the onset of the conflict. 1/8
On 26 August the Syrian Grain Establishment published a tender for 200,000 tons of wheat with a 9 September deadline, in hopes that an EU supplier would fulfill it, while also extending a July tender for 200,000 tons of Russian wheat. 2/2
The Government of Syria has several vulnerabilities vis-a-vis grain supply. The most obvious is the loss of territory — and therefore, domestically produced wheat — to rival actors, most notably the #AANES. 3/8
Also critical are Syria’s diplomatic isolation and the deepening financial crisis. A lack of foreign currency reserves has impinged upon access to the hard currency needed to access foreign markets. 4/8
The extension of the July wheat tender is probable evidence of the Government of Syria’s distress. 5/8
Notably, Russia previously suspended wheat exports due to #COVID-19, despite its vow to supply Syria with wheat as humanitarian aid. Russia’s stinginess likely stems from protectionism, yet Russia clearly is hesitant to empty its granaries to feed Syria. 6/8
While this may be one of the reasons why #Damascus has looked to #Europe for wheat, Syria may be testing the waters in hopes Europe would risk #US wrath to stave off hunger in Syria. 7/8
With over 90% of Syrians impoverished, 77% of Syrian households report that food is one of their top priorities. As economic conditions worsen, #foodsecurity concerns will continue to rise. 8/8
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