(1) The @nytimes updates its United States Excess Deaths analysis based on August 22nd CDC Dataset updates.

CDC Reported Deaths: 176,188
CDC Excess Deaths: 246,588
CDC Undercount: 70,400 (+40.0%)

NYT 9/10 Reported Deaths: 190,714
NYT 9/10 Actual Deaths: 261,114 to 266,918
(2) The @nytimes update is in good agreement with past Excess Deaths and Excess Natural Deaths estimates.

The 40% Undercount is in good agreement with the regression line's 38.5%.
(4) My last Excess Natural Deaths analysis is available here: https://twitter.com/39Magilla/status/1299881557176602627
(6) PS: Here is the times summary graph for this US Excess Deaths update.

The most recent weeks are incomplete, so total #COVID19 deaths in the US as of 8/22 will exceed 246,600.

That was 19 days ago.
Current estimate for today is 261,000-267,000.
(7) Here is the CDC breakdown of the 2020 Excess Deaths by cause of death.

For many, no COVID-19 test was ever performed.
(8) Some have claimed the Healthcare system quality of care has been hurt by the lockdown, but cancer deaths (Malignant neoplasm) have been just as expected, while other cause groups follow the outbreak death trend.
(9) A lot of the Excess Deaths have been attributed to "Alzheimer disease and dementia", but the trend varies from location to location.

Texas, California and Florida use this attribution the most, while New York City used it very little.
(10) Most Alzheimer patients require attendants. They are unlikely to obey health restrictions without difficulty.

Death usually comes when the patient is "unable to perform tasks that keep their bodies alive and functioning".

COVID-19 infection may mimic this end condition.
(11) I've been contacted and do know of some anecdotal cases, where healthcare was delayed and that contributed to Cancer fatalities.

While these cases exist and are tragic, the overall trend does not support high numbers.

All weekly variations fall within +/- 3.9% of expected.
(12) For deaths attributed to "Alzheimer disease and dementia", weekly counts rise as much as 44% above expected counts and the overall curve mirrors the US outbreak.
(13) The charts I've shared are courtesy of the CDC and are available at the following URL:

(14) One additional point, regarding so-called "lockdown deaths":

Per the CDC, Deaths Not By Natural Causes have been nearly identical in 2020, when compared with 2019.

These include Homicides, Suicides, ODs and Accidental injuries.
(15) There is not enough data at this time, to see if "accidental injuries" fell, while "suicides" & "ODs" increased.

These offsetting effects are possible.
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