There's a MAP that leads to every single scheme the left is conjuring. CNN called this shot long ago. THINK: many news articles can be ways to communicate with other entities, while instilling fear, while protecting what is to come. Map it out - everything. Use multiple search...
engines, and look at archives. The Atlantic putting it out there.
Map it out, then connect the dots to big names, traitorous scum, all across the globe.
Your research, facts bypassed by the corrupt added to this, is the concrete that sinks their ass into the abyss.
There's always a web that connects these cowards. Mika Brzezinski of msnbč is the daughter of this globalist scum found here, talking about how to control you.
Like clockwork. Alinsky 101. Mix and match the multiple stress points of havoc you've created: riots and a virus.
Virus and a hurricane.
Masks and mayhem.
Packaged perfectly.
As the articles were handed to the Senate, a plane was landing, which chartered the 'first confirmed case' into the U.S. and the next ploy was initiated, aiming to bring down POTUS and destroy our country.
This is what PANIC looks like. People are awake and unity is growing more than you know, not the projected anarchy the puppets in msm are projecting. I'M NOT SWEATING IT - PAIN incoming.
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