2014 I started on the 4th season of the Disney show “Kickin It”Then I flew to Montana and met Doug & Joe Hagmann for the first time. Got baptized by Pastor David Lankford & Steve Quayle. Back to LA I did a couple of pilots then jumped on Ray Donovan at Sony. My year
ended tag teaming two shows simultaneously: CSI Cyber at CBS Radford and State of Affairs at Universal. I also squeezed in a feature film and a commercial. But the one little gem that I recall with great fondness was a webisode called American Homestead
I did not work on American Homestead. It was more precious than that. It was this little 20 minutes of escapism from an otherwise conflicted life that had me speaking regularly on the Hagmann Report(as a caller)but still stuck in Hollywood. The conflict began consuming me
I was a walking civil war. I recall specifically getting a call on my iphone from Doug or Joe Hagmann, then later, Paul McGuire. But I would be standing on the “New York Street” backlot at CBS, speaking to these men who were doing something that I was attracted to unlike anything
else I had discovered in an admittedly already colorful life. And yet, in the midst of all of this, there was this little show that I absolutely came to adore (and still do.) American Homestead. I wanted what those people had. And even though I knew it was silly, I felt like
I knew Zach Bauer and his wife Jamie. Their cute little kids and Jamie’s parents. All principals on the webisode.

Throughout the three seasons of the show, I always wondered “do these people know the things that I do? Or are they just into homesteading? Are they awake patriots?
Or are they just into a back to the land trend 2.0?

So I pondered these things from time to time. Simultaneously feeling like my life needed to change & change significantly, but having no clue how. Or if it was even possible?
Watching American Homestead while living and working in LA was what I imagine that kid felt in A Christmas Story as he longed for a Red Rider BB gun.

These people had what I wanted but my life was so constricting they may as well have been living on the moon.
Ironically I have a ton of relatives who live on the Arkansas side of the Ozarks and I infer from the show and Zach’s interviews that their homestead is on the Missouri side.

Anyway, also in 2014 John B Wells launched Caravan to Midnight. I was almost instantly hooked.
My primary go-to resources in 2014 were:
Secular news - Infowars

Christian news- Trunews

Christian commentary- The Hagmann Report

Conspiratorium- Caravan to Midnight

Financial - SGT Report & King World News

Personal entertainment- American Homestead
By the end of 2014 God awakened me one night while sleeping on the sofa of Mike & Jeannie’s (Hear the Watchmen) and planted the idea of connecting the Hagmann audience through a six month project called “hhconnections”

Making those introductions between complete strangers,
one introduction at a time, one email at a time (we’re talking many hundreds of hours) is still to this day one of the projects with which God has blessed me that means the most to me. Even considering all of the other tremendous opportunities the Father has given, that effort is
something very special to me and resulted in friendships that last to this day between Hagmann listeners who I have still never met in person.

And through it all, every week or so, there would be a new little 20 minute story on American Homestead that swept me out of the movie
business, away from the lonely anonymity of Los Angeles, and long gone from the traffic and congestion of that foul Southern California Basin “This week on the homestead, chasing baby ducks, the strawberries are coming in and finishing the smoke house”

It was almost intoxicating
And I would sit there and wonder who these people were and what really motivated them to uproot their lives in St. louis and Texas and in many ways return to an early 20th Century sensibility; a way of living my grandparents would readily identify.
Well for the sake of getting to my point for writing this,I need to segue away from my personal bio and get to the point. Although when I start periscoping I will shade in my story for those of you who are interested. How I wound up first producing the Hagmann Report & then doing
the same for John B Wells.

I should mention that in the spring of 2017 I did enjoy a single one hour long personal chat with Zach Bauer via Skype. I wanted to bring him on as a guest on the Hagmann Report but for logistical reasons that I cannot remember, it never happened
Anyhow, earlier this year, while still weighted down by the June 30 2019 loss of my friend, cohost and all around buddy, Joe Hagmann, I was emotionally pulverized to learn that Zach’s wife, Jamie, died last November from extremely aggressive cancer. She was a mom to two boys and
still quite young (mid-thirties?). I never met her but it still hurt my heart.

If you choose to watch the series (and I highly recommend you do) you’ll understand my sentiment. Feelings that are shared by millions.
In spite of the tragic losses, on my end the loss of Joe, on Zach’s the loss of Jamie and I am confident both of those losses mean something to many of you too, in spite of those, perhaps exacerbated by them, that one question still nagged at me.
Did this family manage to pull off three seasons of this incredibly charming show while simultaneously staying mum about their political and spiritual motivations? To be clear: implications were made from time to time but they were subtle. Very subtle.
Having spent the past five years serving the patriot community as Producer, Host, Writer, Public Speaker & Guest I can testify that producing the tremendously rich content that Zach accomplished and having the artistic and creative discipline to separate “red pill” convictions
from the show itself? Well, let’s just say I don’t have that kind of mettle .

Heck, I can barely stay quiet at a Thanksgiving table surrounded by SF Bay Area lefties.

Now I have the answer to that question and it is an answer that I believe God has revealed in His timing
I suggest watching a few of the webisodes from Seasons 1-3 before you access the next link that I will share before I conclude this thread. Do so because it will enable you to get to know these people and that will make the point of this thread significantly more profound.
Folks, over recent weeks, some extremely powerful feelings that drove me in my early “red pill” years (2009-2014) spiritual unctions and discerning certainties that in some ways have been on pause since I started producing New Media, have resurfaced and done so with a seemingly
contradictory mix of alacrity and anxious ferocity. Alacrity because these feelings assure me that my Heavenly Father has His hands on my steering wheel. Anxiousness because we are headed into uncharted, unmapped terrain politically, financially, culturally and spiritually
Whether President Trump is re-elected (and I am praying fervently that he will be if it is God’s will) or whether Joe Biden pulls off the greatest political hijacking of all time, we have a very high butchers bill, the piper wants his pay, and the check is not on the mail
All mumbo jumbo aside, those of us like Zach, Doug, Joe, Jamie, John B Wells and myself, those of us who have been around this conservative, Christian, patriot scene for more than a season, we know how unbelievable it is that America has dodged the bullets that she has
but like Omaha Beach on D-Day, there is a crossfire coming that will fill the air with so much murderous led even if we do dodge one projectile or two, numbers three, four and five are going to find their target.

Please hear me when I say this: our beautiful country has managed
to juke and jive our way past, around or through dozens of potential black swans since the TARP bailouts of 2008-2009. We’ve printed money until we require so much we just said “screw it” and load phony digits on cards with smart chips. And you know the cards are going bye bye
in the very near future. What on earth are these people thinking who are making youtube videos of their trip to the walk-in clinic to get...chipped?!?!

“This week on the homestead it’s beaver trapping time, how did our peppers do at the county fair and getting the sawmill ready”
Two nights ago I heard this interview with Zach as the guest on a platform that I am only vaguely familiar with:
Familiarize yourself with American Homestead. It is one of those rare treats that the entire family can watch and enjoy. And I pray you enjoy them as much as I do.

Although I never got to meet her, I give thanks to the Father for the outstanding woman Jamie Bauer was
and there is zero doubt that she might be supping at a grand banquet at this very moment with perhaps my grandparents and maybe Joe Hagmann too. We are all one in Christ’s Kingdom.

Our concerns are no longer their concerns. They have gone on to glory. As we will, too, one day.
But while we are still here we are to OCCUPY. We are to love and be unafraid. But being unafraid does not mean being naive or willfully ignorant. Something’s coming.

Praise God for the men and women who have made a stand. And are standing.

Please listen. We care. END❤️
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