

Changed my mind on this....conventional wisdom is the American people don't want a Congressional shit show while they want Covid support instead.

But the Woodward tapes change things.... 1/

As bad as the tapes are that we've heard so far are, they're only effective with the right reach. Fox and RW media are still keeping the firewall up so we need something to blast right through it.

Today is Thursday the 10th. 60 Minutes covers on Sunday. 2/

The book releases on the 15th.

A protracted impeachment filled with hearings and witnesses and daytime airings will never get the message across widely enough. So @SpeakerPelosi needs to take a book out of the Trump playbook with a made for TV spectacle..3/

1-Subpoena all of Woodward's tapes for committee review only
2- Announce a 4 hour primetime "Impeachment Show" for Thursday night 9/24.
3- Obviously she'll know they have the votes going in
4- Schiff can open with tape of his closing from December 4/

There's no testimony really needed..just narrate Trump Woodward tapes with his AND Pence's public statements interwoven. No color commentary..just intersperse the rising Covid stats while the statements were being made and the Woodward tapes as background. 5/

All networks must cover..too relevant as Covid and the election affects everyone. 60-70M people to watch.

Keep it short 2-3 hours and then vote. Make the GOP House defend it.

When Pelosi slams the gavel..hand off the impeachment articles to McConnell. 6/

McConnell won't want a Senate trial. Dereliction of Duty for Trump will also devastate the Senate. He'll do everything to avoid it but it will be too late. 9/24 takes us inside 6 weeks out. But let's try to stick the 12 flippable seats with a vote...


Let the GOP make the case that 200,000 American deaths aren't a High Crime and Misdemeanor.....keep the focus really narrow. Only takes moving 3 points plus grabbing some undecideds right now to turn this from an 8 point race to a 15 point race.


As much as I've been skeptical about second Impeachment this year, I think there's a flip side to Trump's Hatch Act violations using the Halls of Congress for the dual purposes of carrying out serious business, with but with a huge campaign dividend. 9/
The source material is too devastating and too clear. I know that Trump 35% floor can't be moved. But he can still be pushed to that floor and this is so devastating it's malpractice not to use it.

Ideally something for Covid must be passed before then 10/

Dems are so bad at this..Maybe we can get @ProjectLincoln to Executive Produce the show.

There's no blowback or downside to this as I always thought there would be taking the country through a long process again.

It's a kill shot that can end this race 11/

...and hang this vote around the necks of the GOP... saddle them with all 4 years of supporting an incompetent madman.

It's owed to the 200,000 dead and their families to do this. Yes there will be a commission investigation after the fact next year.12/


That question is still hanging out there because of the cheating going on... that this opportunity could be frittered away by just throwing out a few ads on TV and Social media is compete malpractice.

Can't let that happen. END/
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