Hey, do you remember last week and how all those books came out on the same day and it was HILARIOUS? The Cutting Place paperback was one of them. Now that the dust has settled, if you haven't got it already, would you consider seeking it out?
I really love happy stories about books and authors having wild break-out success after a lot of hard work and many books. Those are much more fun threads than 'please buy my book because it got clobbered by a pandemic and the great publishing tornado of September 2020'.
I'm fiercely proud of it; I think it's the best book I've written and reviewers of all kinds have said the same. It came out in hardback in April, which was... not great timing. But my publishers worked incredibly hard to get it to readers.
And then the paperback came out last Thursday, which was quite busy; I don't know if you heard about that... I know lots of my followers have got it and read it already and I am SO grateful. If you loved it, please tell a friend about it. (If you hated it, just shhhhhh, okay.)
Despite these pictures it is NOT available as a rule on poorly maintained lawns but it IS yours to buy from a) bookshops who can order it if it's not in stock b) Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's c) WH Smith d) Audible e) anywhere else you can think of that sells books.
I hope it's going to be like the other Maeve Kerrigan books which keep finding new readers, years on, but there are important weeks in the life of a book and this is the second (and last one) for this particular novel. So if you were going to get it, now would be IDEAL.
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