Has anyone who tweets about Sweden ever actually checked what Sweden's covid guidance actually is? Because I'm reading it now and it's basically the same as ours
"Maintain physical distance from other people, indoors and outdoors in places where people gather such as shops, museums, libraries, civic centres, bathing places, beaches, camping sites, open-air cafés and restaurants."
"Avoid social gatherings like parties, funerals, and weddings."
"Beginning 13 June anyone without symptoms or newly diagnosed COVID-19 is allowed to travel within Sweden."

- hold up, they had travel restrictions on travelling around the country until 13th June??
Authoritarian b*stards saying you can't go to work even if you have a runny nose! That's not a covid symptom!

Looking forward to Twitter calling this out
"We recommend that as many people as possible continue to work from home this autumn. The spread of infection is now decreasing but if we increase our contacts there is a great risk that the infection starts spreading again."

But what about Pret??!
Oh, care home visits are banned and have been since April.
Oh look. They also have the 'don't hug your nan' bit

Twitter will be FURIOUS
lol. As of 15 June the secondary schools, collages, universities etc are recommended to do distance learning instead of in-person learning

UK twitter would have lost their sh*t at that
Oh. So they did ban mass gatherings. Twitter told me they didn't.
Their pubs and restaurants have to do table-service only, and ensure social distancing and no queues, with the responsibility falling on the person in charge of the venue?

Hang on a minute, that's basically the exact same rule we have here đŸ˜±
I wonder if they also get hot-takes such as "why can't I go to a mass gathering but I can go on public transport" given they have the same guidance we do in that respect
"A person can be put in quarantine in their own home. Quarantine means that you are not allowed to leave the building or receive visitors"

Pretty sure Twitter doesn't know about this either
Eek! They also have provision for local lockdowns if they decide they're needed
One assumes Twitter thinks this makes them an authoritarian, totalitarian regime..?
In conclusion, it turns out that UK Twitter has absolutely no idea what measures Sweden actually took.
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