Dear @AshleyBanjo and @Diversity_Tweet,

You probably won’t even read this and you are unlikely to respond. However, I want to express my views.

Since we watched your very first audition on @BGT, my family loved you, all of you. We watched you go from strength to strength and
we supported you all the way. My husband, daughters and I have been to one of your shows on every UK tour, apart from one where the tickets were sold out. We watched, in awe, your flawless routines and amazing courage and strength, time after time. As you all evolved as
individuals and pursued other things, we still championed you, even on reality tv. We attended other shows as audience members when we could, where you were judging. But now, it is you who is judging us, making assumptions about beliefs, thought processes and views - unfair...
assumptions. I thought your performance last week was horrific and completely inappropriate. I have complained to @itv and I have complained to @Ofcom. Let’s face it - we’ve had a hell of a year. We’re negotiating our way out of the EU, we are caught up in a global pandemic, many
people have lost loved ones, thousands have lost their jobs and their businesses, including myself. We watch @BGT to escape that - a bit of harmless, light-hearted, family fun on a Saturday night. We don’t watch it to hear political messaging. We don’t watch it to be preached to.
We don’t watch it to see the re-enactment of something that happened thousands of miles away. Yes, what happened to Floyd was horrific and should never have happened. Who wouldn’t agree with that? However, off the back of that, a dangerous, violent, threatening movement has made
it’s way to the UK; a movement which has terrorised our cities, damaged and vandalised property and threatened those that do not comply. That is not okay. For you to criticise those that have complained about your routine and make blanket assumptions is so disappointing. You’re a
father now so perhaps you will see life through a different lens as your beautiful baby grows older. My daughters are 16 now and I fear for them - for their safety and for their futures. I don’t want them politicised on a Saturday night in our sitting room. I don’t want to have
to switch off a programme because of something I consider inappropriate. Like the vast majority of the UK, I am no racist. I am someone’s wife, mum, daughter, sister, colleague, friend. I am tolerant and have forgotten more about equality and diversity than most will ever know.
That you believe it’s okay to blanket criticise those who have an opposing view is very sad. What is even sadder is that we can no longer support you, any of you. My family and I wish you all well but our Diversity journey is over. It’s been great, but it’s over. Stay safe.
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