Audio freelancers: how do you manage?

Working for clients
Working on side projects
Learn new things
Update your website
Be nice & present on social media
Listen to other artists’ work
Sleep enough
Have a private life

I’m very open & curious to listen to you on this.
First of all, most of u really need to sleep more!
- One thing I found game changer was to understand the times of the day when I am more productive. Ofc, not sure how this apply to people who are care givers.
- psilocybin
- sunlight & fresh air
- have a hobby
- stretcht
- fire stupid clients when you can
- don’t spend 3 hours making videos of a snail you found on the kitchen with props including salt and a bank card; you’ll spend another hour finding the proper soundtrack and soon is pass midnight. Her name was Jacinta, btw.
- remember you +
deserve to be happy and free of anxiety
- learn to stand up for yourself: you’ll end up culling the wrong clients
- nothing to do about your cats, they rule you, not the other way around.

Yes, this is advice for a majority of privileged people, let’s also recognize that.

Try and support the less privileged ones if you can. We can make the world a little better with small actions.

I think we all know the basics tbh. Quality sleep, water, healthy food, healthy relationships.
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