I want Indy as much as you do, & I want it to be a peaceful, democratic event.
I can't overstate that.
We've only started to show a consistent majority for Yes in polls this year, & the argument that an earlier campaign would have succeeded is false. It would have been a gamble
with no guarantee of success.
Just imagine where we'd be if we lost 2 Refs within 10 years.
I know it's become fashionable to accuse the FM of inaction, & to complain about increasingly fantastic numbers of "wasted mandates," & maybe some folk actually believe that, however,
I've been here watching too, & I remember her saying, on more than one occasion, that her preference would be to go for a 2nd Ref when Yes is at 60%, ie, when Yes is practically nailed on, & that it's up to us to talk, & to convince folk.
I also think a lot of what politicians
say is posturing. Of course she has to adopt the position of "We have a mandate," when we have a parliamentary majority. That doesn't mean she has to gamble our future.
The #InternalMarketBill scares me, I won't lie. I don't have the answer to it, except to hope it's defeated.
What I will not do is panic, & look for someone to blame within my party.
You can despair, & complain, & join in the concerted & deeply misogynistic campaign (generally outside the party) to replace her.
From the comfort of your armchair, you can suggest actions that you will
never be accountable for. You can insist that because the UK has signalled willingness to break international law, that we should too.
I cannot emphasise enough how strongly I oppose any action that could lead to a crackdown.
The Troubles in Northern Ireland weren't some
romance of resistance.
They were real, & real people were murdered & terrorised. Soldiers armed with real guns patrolled their streets.
From my POV, the FM needs our support more than ever. She's weathered the loss of momentum of 2017, & she's turned it around.
With her at the helm, the country has moved from No to Yes.
Without the country changing its mind, no amount of bellowing & willy-waving can win Indy.
I can't guarantee we'll become independent. No-one can, but I know who I put my trust in, & why.
If this thread forces you to challenge every point it, & explain to me how very wrong I am, please don't tag me, because I've heard it
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