Surprising fact about the Kafala system is that the most violent people in the system are Lebanese women. it is bizarre that Lebanese women think they can achieve gender equality slapping around 600,000 defenseless female slaves for thirty or so years non-stop.
Looking the other way as their husbands rape yet when the Black migrant workers run away from the abuse they are the first ones to report them to the police.
These women raise your children, do all the housework sometimes working 18hr days, when the lebanese women tire of the sexual abuse from their husbands they turn a blind eye as their maids are abused just like white women during slavery. Disgusting power dynamics
Another “surprising” fact is that influential Gambian Lebanese women are involved in trafficking the women from Gambia to lebanon, kuwait, saudi and many MENA countries. Women instinctively trust other women but i wouldnt place my trust in any NBPOC to begin with
Gender equality also involves some gross inequality that values certain womens lives more than others. That thinks of certain women as non human. No wonder the compass isnt moving forward as it should. Intersectionality is the key
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