We're delighted to be joined by @ProfRGWilkinson, who will give us an insight in to the link between equal societies and health and wellbeing #ALLIANCEConf20
Richard outlines that inequality should not just be viewed in terms of income differences or poverty. It is also about the psychological effect, the powerful feelings of superiority and inferiority that it can lead to. #ALLIANCEConf20
Countries with high levels of inequality tend to score poorly in relation to a wide range of indicators associated with health and wellbeing #ALLIANCEConf20
Richard says that evidence disproves any suggestion that inequality in society promotes personal initiative, ingenuity or "cut and thrust" #ALLIANCEConf20
Inequality in society has important impacts on how we view our fellow citizens - data shows that people in more unequal countries trust each other less, and are less willing to help each other. #ALLIANCEConf20 @gas1883
"If you are living in an unequal country some people are viewed as very important, whereas some people are viewed as almost worthless" #ALLIANCEConf20
Sensitivities about our social status and how we are seen and judged are important stressors which have an impact on health #ALLIANCEConf20
Richard describes differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in developed countries such as Scotland as "absolutely obscene" #ALLIANCEConf20
Richard outlines that people living in the most unequal countries are more likely to report experiencing mental health problems #ALLIANCEConf20
It is likely that the COVID-19 pandemic will lead to increased inequality in Scotland. Richard notes potential impacts on income inequality and educational attainment in particular #ALLIANCEConf20
Income inequality can be reduced through redistribution. Making taxation more progressive, stopping tax avoidance and ending tax havens #ALLIANCEConf20
Richard says this needs to be accompanied by moves to 'democratise the economy', stronger trade unions, promoting more directors from within companies and increasing employee ownership #ALLIANCEConf20
Richard encourages viewers to check out the work of the Equality Trust https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/  and more broadly, to keep talking about this subject at a local level #ALLIANCEConf20
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