Let me briefly highlights some of the key arguments I make in it.
1. This year China has shifted into phase 2 of a 3-step attritional strategy around the Senkakus;
Step 1: challenge Japanese arguments on non existence of a dispute by normalising presence;
Step 2: challenge control by exercising law-enforcement rights;
Step 3: take over control by reversing presence and exercise of law-enforcement rights.
2. I challenge mainstream views suggesting this is a bilateral spat over islands with more symbolic significance than value:
A. This attritional strategy is slowly setting China and Japan on a collision track with possible critical points coming up sooner rather than later - well within this decade;
B. Any conflict is unlikely to keep the US out, and the alliance safe;
C. What happens there matters internationally because of the precedent it sets on management of maritime disputes.
3. Lastly, I argue that Japan’s delaying counter strategy may no longe suffice and that this will remain a serious challenge for the next Japanese PM.
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