There is no necessity to do this at all. There is nothing remarkable about this virus. Yes, it’s probably of a lethality equal to the more severe influenza seasons. No more than that. Like it or not, herd immunity will be reached if not already. Patience, not loot, is the way.
I’m confident that clinical immunologists & researchers could, for less than 1% of Moonshot, confirm the presence & frequency of T-cell responses in a representative sample of the population. Ferguson presumably still believes his own implausible hype that, at the start of...
...this pandemic, “because it’s a novel virus, 100% of the population are susceptible”. No serious biologist/ clinical immunologist believed that then or now. Several top labs have shown that most people who’ve been infected have hallmarks in their blood to confirm this, a mix...
...of circulating antibodies & SARS-COV-2 reactive T-cells, the latter around 90%. We could, if we wanted to know, discover the proportion of the population considered protected. Either a Ferguson is correct, in which case I back out on my knees, apologising, or he isn’t (we’d... magnanimous). I think he’s clearly wrong without these studies, but as this competes with the Chief Theoretical Physicists prediction, I accept the “so show me” stance is required. It’s a tiny bet to do this & requires no new technology. Is there a research group, who...
...has the immunological/ flow cytometric lab equipment & as well a belief that in outline, my proposition could be done? Seriously, why not?
It involves a lot more real data & far less modelling. I’m stunned at the spends which exclude a large study like this.
Come on, SAGE!
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