Guy that knows nothing about #Peranakan food claims that Peranakan food is ripping off Malay food etc.

FFS educate yourself about how different it is and the kind of labor used...
My cred:

6th generation Straits Chinese on my mom's side. The family, originally sinseh's and traders lived across Sumatra - Brastagi, Medan and Penang.

The Peranakan Nasi Lemak? Yes, there's such a thing.

Fresh penang otah pudding, with whole Pomfret.
Highest grade Thai Fragrant rice, with blue pea flowers and Pandan. I personally prefer basmati, and I like to fry the rice before cooking so it has a more full taste/integrity.

Add Cekur, lima purut and Serai for the most fragrant rice. Get coconuts from the tree, grate.
Assam heh ie Assam prawns to go with Nasi Lemak. We lost my grandmother's recipe for Assam heh and we spent the best part of 20 years trying to recreate it every couple of weeks.

Right prawn variety/size? Right Assam? Right pan? Right belanchan?
The reason why real Peranakan costs what it costs... Is that you are getting the home cooked variety that you previously would not have been able to get commercially.

The good shit. With the highest quality ingredients, Labour with no compromises.
Soy sauce... We've been buying the same soy sauce from the same seller/producer in a small penang market for 50 years.

I can make Tau eu bak with normie shitty Singapore sauce but it doesn't have that oomph umami.
Same with Belachan, dried goods, spices.

Every ingredient, provenance and quality is weighed. Michelin star chefs do what Peranakan home Cooks have done for generations.

You'd have your own garden for the herbs, ideally.
If you've ever been dragged by aunts into the kitchen to learn how to make nonya nasi ulam "for your future family"...

The amount of insane knife work and attention to detail in grading, toasting, slicing and sourcing....
Honestly, being a lawyer and doing endless 100 hr weeks of due D is less emotionally exhausting and mentally challenging than cooking Peranakan food properly.

So fuck off you Chinese pleb. I have krosang, Kebaya, sarong and tali pendent older than your grandparents.
This is obviously a hill @lim_jialiang is going to die on.

@lim_jialiang you fucking know nothing.

#Peranakantwitter #penangtwitter weigh in.
As @yishkabob put it about his own #sinkhek roots, maybe you know nothing #sinkhek should STFU about #Peranakan culture.

You can't taste the difference, don't like the price, that's fine. Keep eating your shitty and
bland economy rice.
Oh great, more people that can't cook and don't understand the intricacies of Peranakan cooking weighing in.
Proper Penang Nasi Ulam?

This is the Google search... Only one of them passes my families test for nasi ulam.

We've been known to politely excuse ourselves from eating at friends places because their nasi ulam is not up to scratch for herb cutting!?
Sorry guys, you don't get to punch down Peranakan culture..

And then when I defend #Peranakan culture, claim I'm punching down "Malay culture" whatever the fuck that means...

This is the equivalent of me going #blacklivesmatter and you guys responding... #alllivesmatter
Proper, home cooked Peranakan food has an extraordinary amount of care and sourcing.

Whatever Michelin star chefs do...

Our grandma's and loved ones have been doing for centuries.

Is there privilege?

Yes, of course because the Chinese families started by trading.
Oh, back to "Peranakan Nasi Lemak" - my family just call it Nasi Lemak....

Here's the otak made with @kampongbuy sea bass fillet that went with our Nasi Lemak. Our Peranakan Nasi Lemak...

No pictures of the magnificent Curry Kapitan that went with it.
Occasionally, when we're feeling special and up to it, we'll add Ince Kebin, a twice fried chicken marinated in coconut milk and 10 different spices and served with Ang Moh Tau eu.

It's still experimental and we haven't got it up to the "Penang grandma" taste...
Here's the break the bank Penang Popiah made with prawn, pork belly and bang Kwang.

Not included:

$27 can of crab meat (sure beats peeling it)

Freshly fried and pounded sole fish
And all the randoms claiming that #Peranakan food comes from "Malay" food ignore the history of Straits Chinese in the region past 500 years.

Burmese Mohingga and Penang Laksa are close cousins, fish based...

Lots of overlaps with Thai food as well
I've said this before and I've said this again - "Malay is a figment of Mahathir's imagination" - and the British colonial administration.

Replaced in recent years by Arabiya Jihadi dreams of "Nusantara"
But what do I know of history - I just have personal family stories of what it means to be Peranakan - and cook Peranakan ... anything to do with history and wider context of this region, I generally defer to

@pjthum and @alfian77
What I really don't get about minority mean girls is that just because you're a minority, you don't get to get away with casual racism and cultural chauvinism.

Just because it happens to you is not an excuse to be mean...

See Exhibit A
And this is exactly what white people they say when they get called out on their problematic behavior.

Don't like me defending my food culture and heritage..... tough luck, suck it up.
OK, enough with these know-nothings with the tastebuds of dead cockroaches trying to say something about food while punching down on Peranakan food culture by saying it's Malay food.

Let's get back to the important stuff - Peranakan food pictures.

I found the Curry Kapitan
This is not a family heirloom dish -we are using a recipe from a cookbook.

The most reliable Penang Peranakan Cookbook to date is Nonya Flavors, supported by the Penang Nonya Association and published by the Star

PS. Nasi Ulam herb cutting fail
How I tell if a cookbook is good - I look at the Kaya recipe, something I know by heart.

One of the last dishes my grandma taught me before she passed. I made an enormous batch for her wake, to go with pulot tatai.

1 coconut
10 eggs
600g sugar (I use 450g)
3 Pandan leaves
oh, back to Curry Kapitan - it looks like a bog standard chicken rendang, but the fresh flavours are far more assertive - with Daun Kadok and lima purut.

You can make a simple version ...but it's not the same and you dishonor your ancestors.
Just realised that a lot of the people punching down on Peranakan culture have no idea about the history or context.

Stop being basic bitches - educate yourself - 

OK enough, but not enough about Penang Peranakans
Peranakan culture is a tidepool of history - disappearing as the forces of globalisation, especially sinicise and homegnise us, as with the other creole cultures in Asia.

Parsi, Dutch Burghers in Sri Lanka, Anglo Indians, Kristang ... we are people's that will disappear.
We'll be museum pieces at this rate....

And all we get is hate from random #sinkheks claiming we appropriated Malay culture and food.

@lim_jialiang - sorry, you're the worst kind of asshole, pretending to be inclusive and about social justice while being culturally insensitive.
Jebus, the hate really flows downward - I'm getting all these mean minorities talking shit about Peranakan culture being just borrowed Malay culture.

Ignoring 500+ years of assimilation and history in the region.

And that my friend, is how othering and race riots start.

Looking down on people's culture.
I don't think I can hold back the tide - it's the second language I learnt.

But I can sure as hell make sure the food culture doesn't die.
Wow - so somehow, somewhere - giving a shit about food and cooking became an elitist mindset ...

What kind of instant mee did you grow up on?
Right, and what is it about these random #specialsnowflakes - screenshots with no backlinks...

Like come on peeps - have something to say, let's have it out. Otherwise, why say something...... just keep your account private.
Of all the random arseholes starting @lim_jialiang claiming that Peranakan food is not special ....

I realise that none of them have any photos of home cooked Peranakan food.

Which mostly means that none of you have Peranakan friends .....and only have the restaurant shiz.
Still waiting.

All the people punching down on Peranakan food - literally have no friends or any in depth knowledge of what Peranakan food is at any level.....

Boggles the mind.
So they resort to ad hominem attacks about how I'm elitist - when did giving a shit about how to cook food right become elite?

Jebus. Just for that, I'm going to write recipes about Peranakan Nasi Lemak. Or as my Peranakan family calls it "Nasi Lemak".
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