In the ten years I have been helping victims of trafficking get out of commercial, domestic and sex trafficking I have never come across the cases they claim to intervene in regularly. They are spreading disinformation to retain access to state funding. While they conflate
Sex work and sex trafficking they are skewing the reality that the majority of trafficking cases are in commercial and domestic servitude. They are not looking for them, so they won’t find them, so the figures are built on lies. Not all sex workers are trafficked. They have been
Allies to me on numerous cases. They do not cause trafficking they help end it. Many have been victims themselves before they get into sex work as adults. The reality is the most victims are lured from difficult family homes or state care while they are children. In Ireland!!
Most of the commercial and domestic servitude cases I have worked on were foreign nationals who would not pass the habitual resident condition and fall victim to lies about a good job that does not exist and end up stuck without funds or papers to get out. Very few are
Brought from overseas by their traffickers, even though it does happen. Usually for criminal purposes ie drugs, forced begging etc. If we want to tackle human trafficking we need to work off facts NOT the lies of the white saviour morality police.
What these morality police are doing is moving the narrative away from the crimes of the religious orders they are often founded by. Industrial schools -children taken to produce products for customers, or laundries- women held to provide a service for customers, baby trafficking
And instead focusing on sex workers as being the issue in Ireland in relation to trafficking. That’s what is happening right now. They are again, punishing a marginalised group who do their work a lot of the time because of lack of options and services that would help them thrive
I have been the one who has used landlords to gain access to buildings, I have been the one who gets up in the middle of the night to watch doors from my car, I have been the one to reunify victims with community members or family. I can’t stand by and let lies ruin more lives.
I should never have had to do those cases- even though I always will be available and welcome information I can act on. If these organisations and the ones who supported the failure that was Turn Off The Red Light - were honest and fact based the funding and work would be focused
On ALL TRAFFICKING CASES!!!! Not just the kinds that keep them out of bother with their actions in the past and let them dictate morality to vulnerable groups who don’t need your pity or scorn - they need representation and support. Email [email protected] help me help them!
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