Let me tell you why, IMO, the “Woodward audio wouldn’t have changed anything” take ain’t it.

I understand where your pessimism under Trump comes from.

But when lives are at stake, you try. You f*cking try.

I will not resign myself to Trump’s desired fate. Ever.
Everybody with hot fingers wants to give a hot take like we aren’t people first.

Like those 180,000 people weren’t human beings. Loved by other human beings who deserved to have them here if it was at all possible.

Don’t be so busy trying to sound smart that you are inhumane.
Maybe it would have changed Trump’s action. Maybe not. Maybe it would have changed someone else’s actions. At hospitals. In governor’s mansions. In schools. Nursing homes. Churches. Mayor’s offices.

We’ll literally never have the chance to know. That’s a sin. https://twitter.com/mattbc/status/1303878670348693504
Someone I follow and respect (who is private so I won’t tag them out of respect for that) talked about how awful it is that everyone these days is a pundit before they’re a human being and I couldn’t agree more.
This isn’t a case study or a talking point or a chance for a clever political quip. This is not about electoral strategy or impeachment strategy or political strategy.

This is literally about the life and death of people who could still be walking this earth.
Trump is a monster.

And any chance to shine the light of truth on that is one you take.

If that chance might save a life? Not doing so sinful.
As a student of history-and Black history especially, I can say definitively that I don’t know where I’d be had my ancestors not stared impossible circumstances down with truth and courage. It’s not hyperbole to say I might not even be here.

How dare I do anything less than them
Y’all can throw your hands up if you want to.

I’m glad my damn ancestors weren’t built like that.
“It wouldn’t have mattered.”

Tell that to the families of the deceased.
Action > hot takes.
What kind of ancestor are you becoming?

The kind who said “it wouldn’t have mattered?”

Or the kind who tried?
I understand why cynicism develops.

But it’s up to us to make a different choice.

Not for a candidate. For ourselves.
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