Should guidelines be evidence-based?
The PCR test works by duplicating the genetic material in a sample to a point where a specific genetic sequence is detected.

Ct is the cycle threshold. It is the number of amplification cycles needed ...
1/n see the fluorescent color which indicates the presence of the genetic sequence.

The higher the Ct it is set on, the more likely it is to detect a lower viral load. 2/n
So if a person has recovered and has a minute amount of viral debris still in his body:
by setting the Ct on 30, the viral debris won't be detected => giving a (-) test result
by setting the Ct on 40, the viral debris will be detected
=> giving a False (+) test result 3/n
The FDA's Guideline: Ct= 47 cycles
"viral culture & isolation is regarded as a gold standard or reference test against which any diagnostic index test for viruses must be measured and calibrated" 7/n
Is it time to listen to the evidence and change the guidelines?

Reducing the Ct cut-off of the PCR test would reduce the false positives, the #Casedemic and the unjustified restrictions on people's lives. 10/10
On 8/n
Typo: Cut-off
Prof Carl Heneghan recommends a Ct cutoff of 30.
Ct in #Canada!!
Dear #Canadians demand from your government to revise these PCR Ct and bring them in line with current recommendations. The #Peel region is going back into #lockdown based on fear of false positives. Have we not learned anything yet?
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