Many get so caught up in the controlled demolition/thermite debate they ignore the most glaring aspect of the WTC collapses:

Nearly all of the 200,000 tons of steel literally VAPORIZED into a fine white dust.
“Dust” isn’t even the right term. Dust particles are too light with too much surface area to travel as far out as this. Think tiny sheets of paper (wind drag).

This was steel and gravel particles steadily deteriorating outward. Think clumping up a ball of dirt then throwing it.
About that: There were so many sheets of paper sitting next to or even on top of some of these glowing masses.

It was also melting steel-tipped boots off salvage crews feet, but not harming their feet.

A very strange chemical reaction was occuring here.
Not just that, they got a lungful of steel after it had undergone a process that literally altered its physical state into something different.

There’s a reason so many present later died of cancer or experienced strange health issues. It wasn’t asbestos.
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