"The baseless conspiracy theory posits that Trump is fighting entrenched enemies in the government and also involves satanism and child sex trafficking."
The press NOW is going to focus on Qanon like a laser beam.

What will be the inevitable result?

People who don't believe every claim will come away with the CONVICTION that Trump is fighting entrenched enemies.
Leftists are cognitively rigid.

Leftism itself demands that leftists believe every single aspect of the movement.

Non-leftists or former leftists aren't THREATENED by ideas.
They can look at a belief system and agree with parts of it while disagreeing with other parts.

Leftists will NOT EVEN LOOK AT even FACTUAL INFORMATION if it comes from double-plus ungood sources.

That's why even discussion is not allowed.
People are not even allowed to speak if they have been put in the Enemy of the State category.

If you try to talk to an Antifa Brownshirt, they won't respond, or they'll attack you, or a leader will come over and stop the exchange.

Speeches are cancelled.
They tried to keep Trump from attending a GOP event in San Francisco.
Of course Trump wouldn't speak at a KKK event, but QANON IS NOT THE KKK.

It isn't violent, it isn't racist, it isn't preaching hate.

Here's where the AP show's it's communist butt:

"The president has refused to condemn QAnon."

This is the United States of America.

We are allowed BY LAW to believe whatever we want, as long as we don't harm others.

How many LEFTISTS have destroyed lives in the name of leftism?

What's the criteria for condemnation?
BY ANY SET OF STANDARDS, isn't leftism worthy of universal condemnation?

Illegal spying on the president.

Fabricating evidence.

Impeachment for non-crimes.

Targeting individual citizens.

Fabricating news stories.

Election interference.


Show me the Qanon analogues.

I'll wait.
I see nothing but positives in this.

And afterward, Trump will remain noncommittal about the specific beliefs.

He certainly won't offer that Soviet-style condemnation being demanded.

The press and the Democrats will become CRAZIER and easier to defeat.
Here's the fatal error that leftists have made:

They think everybody thinks like them, and they think we respect the ancient institutional whorehouses of the press.

The New York Times. The Washington Post. The Atlantic.
They produce an epically stupid story that Trump thinks fallen troops are losers and suckers, and disfigured wounded warriors are sickening.


LEFTISTS think that way about the troops.
Stephen King actually said this:
"I don't want to sound like an ad, a public service ad on TV, but the fact is if you can read, you can walk into a job later on. If you don't, then you've got the Army, Iraq, I don't know, something like that. It's not as bright."
The armed forces are more literate THAN THE GENERAL PUBLIC.

You can't join the armed forces if you're illiterate. Period.

King has not factual knowledge about the armed forces.

They're always cast in a negative light in his books.
He had a foot soldier carrying a "recoilless rifle that fired 70 gas-tipped slugs per second."

That's gibberish.

The M134 fires 50 rounds per second.

The IRONMAN carries 500 rounds.
Stephen King's mythical weapon gives the soldier seven seconds of firing time.

And THIS is a recoilless rifle.

It's artillery.
The smallest recoilless rifle ever fielded is the M67.
Guess why there's no recoil?

Because all the back blast comes out the rear.
Stephen King's mythical recoilless rifle fired seventy rounds IN A RADIO STUDIO.

Every soldier would've been killed.
For purists, I'll put in the Karl Gustav.

Seventy of THESE per second in a radio studio.

So maybe 280.
Also, how the hell was the soldier carrying 280 rockets?

These are M67 (first image) and Carl Gustav (second image) rockets.
King is an idiot.


If the whole country looks into Qanon, they'll ignore it, believe it, or think about certain aspects of it.

They won't be OUTRAGED, the way the press is.

Another all-around plus for Trump.


Jesse Ventura used an M134 in Predator.

Wildly impractical because it uses so much ammunition.

But fun to watch.
The closest comparison to a man-portable M134 was the Italian Villar-Perosa of World War One.

An expert gunner could get three 1/3-second bursts.

The assistant gunner carried a SUITCASE full of magazines.

Truly demented idea.
Now, he says the 9mm pistol round was fine, but you had to let the enemy get so close that you'd be dead because he was firing rifle caliber rounds.

Sergeant Gottfried Ehmann--a rear-seat gunner of the World War One German Air Service--shot down 15 enemy aircraft.
He flew a low-flying ground-attack aircraft called the Halberstadt CL.II.

In the above photo, the two tapes mean that he expended at least 500 rounds on his mission.

He was the only rear-gunner triple-ace of the war. He never let the enemy get close.

This is his aircraft.
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