(AUDIOBOOK EXCLUSIVE) I've decided to make Chapter 1 of Proof of Corruption available on Twitter. My goal is for potential readers to understand how profoundly different from conventional nonfiction "curatorial journalism" is.

I hope you'll listen and RT.
(PS) All I ask of metajournalism skeptics is that you listen to one chapter—knowing that, while you can't see it (because you're listening to the audiobook) there's an endnote at the end of almost every sentence you're hearing that takes you to a major-media investigative report.
(PS2) If this audiobook exclusive garners enough interest, I'll keep releasing chapters here on Twitter, so that people can better understand how metajournalism works: how dense it is, how free of gossip or extraneous information, how focused *exclusively* on major breaking news.
(PS3) One thing folks who've read the Proof series will tell you is that the books hit hard with almost every sentence but *also*—it seems paradoxical—are sowing the seeds, in each sentence, for later, *connected* revelations in the books to provoke "Holy sh*t!" ("aha!") moments.
(PS4) An example: in Chapter 1, Trump spends the day with Manafort at the RNC in 1988. Manafort shows Trump that he knows how to run an RNC. 28 years later Manafort begs Trump for a job. What does he ask Trump to hire him as? His convention manager. Manafort played the long game.
(PS5) The book is 44 chapters. The curation in Chapter 1 obliterates Trump's lies about his relationship with Manafort; obliterates his lies about his past dealings in Ukraine; obliterates any sense Trump's campaign under Manafort was anything but a Kremlin op.

That's Chapter 1.
You can follow @SethAbramson.
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