from one star wars fan to another, here is an introduction to the dune universe, and the upcoming blockbuster
A historical moment in film history, Star Wars hit theatres in May of 1977. It was a pioneer in certain film technology, and the start of a beloved franchise. However it isn’t as original as some might be aware.
The most acknowledged inspirations for Star Wars, are Akira Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress, and the serialized Flash Gordon tv show from the 50s.
However not as well known, are three classic Sci-Fi book series which shaped the world and story we know as Star Wars. Barsoom (1917) by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Foundation (1951) by Isaac Asimov, and Dune (1965) by Frank Herbert.
This thread will introduce fans to Dune, and everything you need to know to be prepared for the upcoming film adaption.
‘The Road to Dune’ started in 1957 when Herbert travel to Florence, Oregon to study sand dunes for a magazine article.
While his article "They Stopped the Moving Sands" never actually got published, this research was integral for Herbert in developing the story that would become Dune.
The next five years were spent researching and developing the universe of Dune. The planets, the Great Schools, the Royal Houses, and of course, The Spice. From 1963 to 1964 he published eight serials called Dune World and The Prophet in a magazine.
Finally in August of 1965 his serials were combined to form Dune. The novel was split into three sections titled “Book 1: Dune”, “Book Two: Muad'dib”, and “Book Three: The Prophet”.
Dune is one of the greatest Sci Fi novels ever written, influencing all of pop culture even to this day. From major series like Star Wars and Wheel of Time, to cult classics like Beetlejuice. Even Marvel Comics and the Umbrella Academy show, have made references to Dune.
Following the first novel’s major success, Herbert went on to write another five books before his death. Dune Messiah (1969), Children of Dune (1976), God Emperor of Dune (1981), Heretics of Dune (1984), and Chapterhouse: Dune (1985).
Eventually his son Brian Herbert along with author Kevin J. Anderson (who SW fans may recognize from his involvement in many of the SW Legends novels), took up the mantel to expanded the Dune saga based on extensive notes left by Frank.
So now you know how Dune came to be, let’s get into what Dune is all about. Set 20,000 years into the future, Dune is an epic series filled with philosophy and mythology.
From 200 BG - 108 BG, a Great Revolt known as the Butlerian Jihad too place. Humans vs Machines.
After two generations of violence, finally all artificial intelligence was destroyed. This left a lasting impact on socio-political and technological development of humanity, including a large technological reversal of the entire human civilization, through the coming empires.
The most prominent result of the Great Revolt, was the Orange Catholic Bible, and it’s creed “Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.”
Under the encouragement of the newly forming Great Schools, leaders of major human religions came together to form an amalgamated religious text, to help preserve humanity and discourage against reliance on intelligent machinery.
As a result of the reversal of human technology, it was vital for humans to find a way to convert advanced data, and travel the universe. Therefore the Great Schools began to form, five of the highest learning and advanced training centers of the Corrino Empire.
Bene Gesserit Sisterhood (warrior priestesses often called witches), the Order of Mentats (human computers processing vast amounts of data), the Swordmasters of Ginaz, the Suk Doctor Inner School, and the Spacing Guild (exclusive control over faster-then-light space travel).
However, like all of humanity has come to, they rely on the special substance known as Melange, or simply The Spice. A drug capable of facilitating space travel, and opening the mind to great power. An allegory for the commodity of oil.
The one who controls The Spice controls the universe, as is reflected in the CHOAM company’s structure. They are in control of all economic affairs across the cosmos.
CHOAM directorships are the real evidence of political power in the Imperium, passing with the shifts of voting strength within the Landsraad as it balanced itself against the Emperor and his supporters.
The Landsraad is the body that represents all the Great Houses in the Imperium. It is ruled by the High Council and overseen by the Padishah Emperor. They met regularly to either negotiate trade agreements, create alliances or conduct kanly (the formalised processes of vendetta).
Motions were passed by a vote. Great Houses maintained the "lion's share" of the vote, while the Imperial House also had a powerful vote. Minor Houses had a lesser vote. However, even the Emperor had to answer to the High Council on some issues.
The main planets we see in the Dune universe are Caladan, Arrakis, Giedi Prime, Kaitain (Imperial capital), and Salusa Secundus.
The only true alien life form in the series are those of the Sandworms of Arrakis, however there are “aliens” with human DNA (either evolved or genetically created). Such as the Guild Navigators, the Tleilaxu, Face Dancers, and the Futars.
While the Dune Saga spans thousands and thousands of years, since this is an introduction to the series and a prep for the new movie, the most important character to familiarize yourself with is Paul Atriedes. The centrepiece for the first Dune trilogy.
To quote @inversedotcom , there are hero’s journeys, and then there is the arc of Paul Atriedes. Truly, he is one of the most complex characters ever written.
The simplest way to summarize Paul, is an example given by Denis Villeneuve himself. Michael Corleone from The Godfather. A young boy who has the weight of a terrible destiny on his shoulders, which he must come to terms with as it engulf his whole life.
But what is this terrible destiny? Well I can’t say too much on that without spoilers. However what I will say and what you will come to learn at the start of the film, is who and what the Kwisatz Haderach is.
The result of thousands of years of careful genetic manipulation and breeding by the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, they plan to create an omniscient male Bene Gesserit who under their control will ensure the survival of the human race.
The Lady Jessica, Paul’s mother, is a Bene Gesserit and the concubine to his father Duke Leto Atreides. She was ordered by the Sisterhood to bare only daughters, but do to her true love for her Duke, she bore him a male heir.
Now the potential of the Kwisatz Haderach being born a generation too soon has become an issue, and the Reverend Mother must test him. This is the famous Gom Jabbar scene we get a glimpse of in the trialer.
While we and Paul wonder whether he is the Kwisatz Haderach, the reality that he is SOMETHING, is becoming more and more pressing. And with the potential weight of humanity on their shoulders, how does a teenager cope when the time comes when all hands turn against them?
Denis Villeneuve the incredible director of films such as Prisoners, Arrival, Sicario, and Blade Runner 2049, got the job to direct Dune in February of 2017. However his person relationship with Dune goes back much farther.
Ever since he was a teenager, Denis has had a deep love to Dune. He always knew it was his dream project to direct. And as he explains in this video, his whole career he has had Dune somewhere at the back of him mind.
When he took on this project, he wished to bring Dune to life by going back to those first imagine he had as a kid experiencing Dune, truly coming at this not only from the lens of a filmmaker but a fan as well.
He isn’t the only Dune fan working on this project Hans Zimmer, the composer of this film’s score, considers it a dream come true to compose for Dune. His process making the score being exciting and experimental.
He has even claimed his career till now has been practice for Dune.
Now let’s take a look at the incredible cast. Denis got almost every first pick for these roles, all of the cast jumping at the chance to be apart of this incredible project.
This video is of David Dastmalchian, who many may recognize from Denis’ past projects of his role in the Antman films. He is playing one of the villains, and is himself a long time fan. He talks here about getting the role and reading the script.
To hear the rest of this cast talk in-depth about the behind the scenes of this film, check out the full interview with Stephen Colbert.
So welcome to Dune! My and many others’ all time favourite sci fi universe, and one of the greatest stories ever told...
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