Why I think Eternal Atake is so hit or miss for people; A Thread
I’m gonna preface this with a few things
-This is why I think people either love it or hate it, I don’t see much In between anymore
-I have Eternal Atake at an 8/10 and am a pretty big Uzi fan, so expect some bias
Reason #1 - 3 Different Personalities

So we all know Uzi divided this project into 3 different “personalities” or sounds for this album, with each personality getting a 6-track run, in order of:
-Baby Pluto
-Lil Uzi Vert
-Baby Pluto is more aggressive and quick paced, focused very much on the rapping part of things

-Renji is much more uplifting and sometimes emotional on tracks like I’m Sorry and Urgency

-Lil Uzi Vert is the usual sound we know, braggadocious and focused on flexing
With 3 different types of overall sounds on the same album, if someone doesn’t like even one of those, their view of the album is going to go down a good amount, now let’s say they don’t like 2 sections, now it’s even lower
Let’s say you’re scoring the album out of 10

If you like all of them - 9-10/10
If you don’t like one section- 6-7/10
If you don’t like two - 3-4/10

This is why it’s so hit or miss, because not liking even one section brings it down to a mediocre album
It all boils down to your preference in music, but it affects a singular album a lot when there is 3 different styles

Personally I love all 3, but I see why people might not like certain sections!
Reason #2 - The Change in Sound

Obviously, this album sounds much different from his last album:
Luv Is Rage 2

Luv Is Rage 2 was the usual trap sound if that makes sense

Eternal Atake took influence from that, but added more of a
space-inspired influence
I know that’s a weird way of describing it, but that’s how I think of it

Now If someone preferred LIR2’s sound over Eternal Atake’s, or doesn’t like the space-influenced sound, they’re not gonna like this album clearly, or they’ll say Uzi “fell off” with this album
Reason #3 - The Wait

I think the only way people would stop saying this album “wasn’t worth the wait” was if Uzi dropped the best album of all time

Yes it was a really long wait, but with the label drama and all the leaks, it was probably pretty hard for him to drop an album
People use this as a reasoning for not liking the album, and that’s a completely fair argument!

I’m just bringing it up as a reason for why it’s hit or miss, if you cared about the wait a lot, and you don’t like it for the reasoning above, that’s why some people don’t like it!
In my opinion, this album was worth the wait for sure, and I’m excited for the future music we’ll get!
Hopefully this makes sense

Let me know what you guys think!
Also RT’s would be greatly appreciated, this took a while and I want to see people come to an agreement about Eternal Atake :)
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