When you have Sag rising and an Aquarius sun conjunct the Dragons head, sometimes you gotta ask.....

But who asked you and do they really want to know?

With genuine reflection and honest answers, you'll start to shut up and move different.

Mars rx is an invite to stop leaking
And leaking can look a lot of ways.

Pressure, feelings of not doing enough, feeling upset about being tired, not honoring yourself enough to get in movement/exercise.

Mars is a primal force, stop for a second and think from a more primordial/fundamental level because many
Are skipping the essentials of energetics.
Over complexity with no stable foundation means shit.

Even if you're good at what you do and you don't know how to be a human in the way that we're animals in a body.

You're missing the mark in ways you won't know.

Primal is primary
And it's not to say allow your primal drives to own you, but to build a relationship with them because if not they will own you under all that thinking and conditioning.....

Welcome to Mars rx....
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