My opponent is deeply aligned with the most extreme members of the far-right in Kansas. She's also trying to win this race with outside cash. Let's take a quick look at her most recent financial filing.
My opponent accepts more money from PACs and businesses than she does real people.
In fact, The VAST majority of her individual donations are from people who don't even live in our community.
But who are these outsiders trying to influence the election? More bad news. Here's just a few interesting donors from her most recent report:
First, The Awerkamp Family ($2,000) - “Re-establishing family values in our country will require effort, but a great first step is to stop using taxpayer dollars to teach, promote, and encourage the homosexual agenda.”
Stephen Owens, Kansas Representative, Hesston, KS ($500) - In addition to being one of the most extremist members of the Kansas legislature, Owens operates a bail bonding business and makes his living off of cash bail and a broken prison system.
Lance Kinzer, former Kansas Representative ($50) - Kinzer is one of the state's most prolific writers of hate legislation, including bills legalizing discrimination of the LGBTQ community, including the infamous North Carolina bathroom bill.
Ryan Kriegshauser ($100) - Ryan is married to Christie Kriegshauser who supported the Brownback agenda as Chief of Staff for former Kansas House Speaker, Ray Merrick. She is now the in-house lobbyist for the Kansas Chamber of Commerce,
Let me be clear, my opponent doesn't represent the district. She represents the interests of far-right interest groups and those with enough money to influence the outcome of this election.
If you believe our community should be represented by someone who shares our values of bipartisan cooperation, full funding for excellent public schools and respect for the LGBTQ community, contribute to our campaign. #ksleg #ksed #Olatheproud
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