Now that I’ve read through some of the #Woodward #Rage stories, here is my take:

· None of this will change any minds. For those that hate #PresidentTrump, this reinforces it. For those that love the President, this won’t change that. 1/13
· As far as #COVID and downplaying the virus when you read the reports it sounds bad, but when you listen to the audio, I understand the idea of not creating a panic. 2/13
· No one, including the scientists, knew what they were dealing with, hence the reason it’s novel, & there is still a lot to be learned of the virus. 3/13
· I don’t hide the fact that I wasn’t a fan of lock downs from the beginning. While this virus has killed nearly 200k, I still think quarantining everyone was the wrong move, & we should have focused on quarantining the most vulnerable. 4/13
· Overall, it doesn’t change the election, but it does give Biden an opening. Biden’s line of attack was it didn’t have to be this bad, and now Biden’s team can cut a sound clip. 5/13
· With everyone Monday morning quarterbacking this, I would like to know what they would have done differently? But the more important question is how much power are you willing to turn over to the federal government in a time of crisis? 6/13
Do you care about the system of federalism where power is and should be divided between Feds & states?

· As far as the comment President Trump made about the generals, I don’t care. 7/13
The reason is that throughout history Presidents have conflicted with their generals & they’ve called them horrible names & vice versa- Lincoln, FDR, & Truman come to mind. Since when is a PRESIDENT supposed to be subservient to a GENERAL? 8/13
· As far as the comment President Trump made about the generals, I don’t care. The reason is because throughout history Presidents have conflicted with their generals & they’ve called them horrible names & vice versa 9/13
- Lincoln, FDR, & Truman come to mind. Since when is a PRESIDENT supposed to be subservient to a

· Coats is the worst. He is quoted as having deep suspicions that Putin had something on the President. 10/13
While he admits he doesn’t have any intelligence or evidence that alludes to that being the case, he has no problem making the accusation. An intelligence chief looks at the intelligence and the analysis & then formulates an opinion. 11/13
But Coats has no problem lobbing this accusation.

· President Trump is certainly the most transparent President & will speak to anyone. He knows Woodward is not going to put him in the best of light, yet, 12/13
he granted 18 interviews & even allowed Woodward to record it. Don’t try and claim the President hides from the #press.

· Finally, this is not #Watergate & anyone who says so is a moron. In Watergate you had specific crimes occur. 13/13
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