This is obviously a problem because it provides government cover for Moscow's ongoing disinformation campaign to divide Americans and help Trump hold onto power, but also because it prevents the country from understanding the nature of Russia's attacks and responding accordingly.
It's what's called "politicization of intelligence," but it's actually worse. This is government weaponization of intelligence against Americans, both in its enabling of an adversary's attacks and its use to justify government crackdowns and intimidation of the people.
I'm no fan of Antifa or any violent group, but Wolf has already ordered DHS intel assessments of Antifa to be modified "to ensure they matched up with the public comments by President Trump...," exaggerated comments which Trump uses to justify the deployment of secret police.
Think about what can happen if national security professionals are forced to exaggerate or invent security threats posed by Trump's opposition. It gives him cover for more egregious abuses of the people: sham investigations, politically-motivated arrests, voter intimidation, etc.
I can't overstate the importance of opposing the weaponization of intelligence against the American people at every turn. It has to be relentlessly called out and opposed by the people, their representatives in Congress, and the media, or terrible things can follow.
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