NYSPSHAA is reducing the overlap of high-risk fall sports and spring sports by separating start dates. Fall Season II begins March 1, and spring begins April 19.
There will be no @NYSPHSAA sponsored championships for football and volleyball even with the pushed back start date @News_8
As of this time, the winter sports will not be impacted by the change to fall sports. There WILL still be state championships for winter sports at this time.
The 12 practices before scrimmages or games still stands for football this spring. The end date for the season will be up to the discretion of each Section.
If there aren't Regents exams, the spring sports season could be extended beyond mid-June.
"We had to make the decision to move football and volleyball to listen to the concerns presented to us on our Zoom meetings."
Sections will determine how coaches, students, and officials deal with overlap.

"By the time they get the required practices in, the overlap will be minimal."
Basketball, ice hockey, and wrestling are considered high risk sports. November 30th is when the winter sports season begins, but decisions about moving those seasons back will be made at a later date.
Offseason conditioning workouts must be open to the entire student body, not be mandatory, same as a regular season. However, each level of sport has different guidelines to follow according to the DOH.
Let me reiterate. Fall state championships are STILL canceled. Winter and spring are still on as scheduled. Things could change.
High-risk fall sports can host offseason workouts in the fall, as long as they follow the Department of Health guidelines of low/no contact.
Nearly 500 ADs were a part of the decision to postpone high-risk fall sports. Many had concerns, and the NYSPHSAA listened.
The 7 day rule has yet to be waived for the second fall season.
Face covering guidance for low and moderate risk is the same as youth sports. If students cannot maintain 6 ft social distancing, they MUST wear masks. If they cannot tolerate the face covering during physical activity, it may not be worn.
Dr. Zayas says he believes it will be hard to host culminating events for fall sports season 2 due to being condensed.
The NYSPSHAA will send updated health and safety guidelines tomorrow to athletic departments.
Authorization for high-risk winter sports will be provided by the Department of Health by December 31. More decisions will come.
The recommended end date to Fall Season II is May 1.
All low-moderate risk sports in the fall need to have 10 practices before they can compete. Gymnastics is the only that requires 12.
If fall sports season I is suspended for whatever reason, those sports could be resumed in fall sports season II.
If fall sports season I plays 8-9 weeks, it probably will not be resumed in the spring and would be called a full season. If it was only a few weeks, it would likely be picked up later.
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